This starter boilerplate app uses the following technologies:
IsomorphicUniversal rendering- Both client and server make calls to load data from separate API server
- React 构建用户界面的JavaScript库
- React Router 针对react的路由控制库
- Express Node.js Web框架
- Babel for ES6 and ES7 magic 转换器
- Webpack for bundling
- Webpack Dev Middleware
- Webpack Hot Middleware
- Redux’s futuristic Flux implementation
- Redux Dev Tools for next generation DX (developer experience). Watch Dan Abramov’s talk. 可以查看Redux 结构的开发工具
- Redux Router Keep your router state in your Redux
store 将路由保存在Redux store 中
-ESLint to maintain a consistent code style 代码检测插件
-redux-form to manage form state in Redux
-multireducer combine several identical reducer
states into one key-based reducer
-style-loader and sass-loader to allow import of stylesheets
-bootstrap-sass-loader and font-awesome-webpack to customize Bootstrap and FontAwesome for real-time communication
特点: 1. 多个组件订阅相同Redux store 片段 2. 服务端数据加载 3. 数据加载错误验证 4. 会话登录 5. 重定向 6. 权限视图控制,通过 routers.js 中的 onEnter 7. Redux store 管理 8. WebSockets