专栏:description varchar(100)
参数:@MyParameter varchar(100)
>完全匹配(整个字符串匹配) – 始终是第一个
> Word(s)匹配任何地方(不连续)
'This is my value string as a test template to rank on.'
'This is my string as a test template to rank on.' - first 'This is my string as a test template to rank on even though not exact.'-second 'This is my string as a test template to rank' - third 'This is my string as a test template to' - next 'This is my string as a test template' - next etc.
其次:(可能是第一组(开始)之后的第二组/数据组 – 这是期望的
为了使这个稍微复杂一点,单词列表在两个表中 – 但是我可以为它创建一个视图,但是一个表结果(较小的列表)应该在第二个之前发生,更大的数据集结果给出相同的匹配 – 将会从这些表以及表中重复,我只想要不同的值.选择DISTINCT并不容易,因为我想返回一个列(sourceTable),它很可能使行不同,在这种情况下只从第一个(较小的)表中选择,但是所有其他列DISTINCT都是需要的(不要考虑“独特”评估中的专栏.
procedureCode VARCHAR(50),description VARCHAR(100),-- this is the sort/evaluation column category VARCHAR(50),relvu VARCHAR(50),charge VARCHAR(15),active bit sourceTable VARCHAR(50) - just shows which table it comes from of the two
匹配不在第三个表中排除SELECT * FROM(select * from tableone,其中procedureCode不在(从tablethree中选择procedureCode))
0 Gastric Intubation & Aspiration/Lavage,Treatmen 1 Gastric%Intubation%Aspiration%Lavage%Treatmen 2 Gastric%Intubation%Aspiration%Lavage 3 Gastric%Intubation%Aspiration 4 Gastric%Intubation 5 Gastric 6 Intubation%Aspiration%Lavage%Treatmen 7 Intubation%Aspiration%Lavage 8 Intubation%Aspiration 9 Intubation 10 Aspiration%Lavage%Treatmen 11 Aspiration%Lavage 12 Aspiration 13 Lavage%Treatmen 14 Lavage 15 Treatmen
CREATE PROCEDURE [GetProcedureByDescription] ( @IncludeMaster BIT,@ProcedureSearchPhrases CPTFavorite READONLY ) AS DECLARE @myIncludeMaster BIT; SET @myIncludeMaster = @IncludeMaster; CREATE TABLE #DistinctMatchingCpts ( procedureCode VARCHAR(50),description VARCHAR(100),category VARCHAR(50),rvu VARCHAR(50),charge VARCHAR(15),active VARCHAR(15),sourceTable VARCHAR(50),sequenceSet VARCHAR(2) ) IF @myIncludeMaster = 0 BEGIN -- Excluding master from search INSERT INTO #DistinctMatchingCpts (sourceTable,procedureCode,description,category,charge,active,rvu,sequenceSet ) SELECT DISTINCT sourceTable,sequenceSet FROM ( SELECT TOP 1 LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CODE])) AS procedureCode,LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[LEVEL])) AS description,LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[COMBO])) AS category,LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CHARGE])) AS charge,''True'' AS active,LTRIM(RTRIM([RVU])) AS rvu,''0CPTMore'' AS sourceTable,''01'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] = PP.[LEVEL] WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'',''MOD'',''CATEGORY'',''Types'',''Bundles'')) AND CPT.[CODE] IS NOT NULL AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (''0'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY PP.CODE UNION ALL SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CODE])) AS procedureCode,LTRIM(RTRIM([CHARGE])) AS charge,''02'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) UNION ALL SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CODE])) AS procedureCode,''03'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE ''%'' + PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) ) AS CPTS ORDER BY procedureCode,sourceTable,[description] END -- Excluded master from search ELSE BEGIN -- Including master in search,but present favorites before master for each code -- Get matching procedures,ordered by code,source (favorites first),and description. -- There probably will be procedures with duplicated code+description,so we will filter -- duplicates shortly. INSERT INTO #DistinctMatchingCpts (sourceTable,sequenceSet) SELECT DISTINCT sourceTable,''00'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] = PP.[LEVEL] WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY PP.CODE UNION ALL SELECT TOP 1 LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CODE])) AS procedureCode,LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CATEGORY])) AS category,COALESCE(CASE [ACTIVE] WHEN 1 THEN ''True'' WHEN 0 THEN ''False'' WHEN '''' THEN ''False'' ELSE ''False'' END,''True'') AS active,''2MasterCPT'' AS sourceTable,''00'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [MASTERCPT] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] = PP.[LEVEL] WHERE CPT.[CODE] IS NOT NULL AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (''0'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY PP.CODE UNION ALL SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CODE])) AS procedureCode,''01'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] = PP.[LEVEL] WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) UNION ALL SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CODE])) AS procedureCode,''01'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [MASTERCPT] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] = PP.[LEVEL] WHERE CPT.[CODE] IS NOT NULL AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (''0'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) UNION ALL SELECT TOP 1 LTRIM(RTRIM(CPT.[CODE])) AS procedureCode,''02'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'',''02'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [MASTERCPT] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE CPT.[CODE] IS NOT NULL AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (''0'',''03'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'',''03'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [MASTERCPT] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE CPT.[CODE] IS NOT NULL AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (''0'',''04'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [CPTMORE] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE ''%'' + PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE (CPT.[COMBO] IS NULL OR CPT.[COMBO] NOT IN (''Editor'',''04'' AS sequenceSet FROM @ProcedureSearchPhrases PP INNER JOIN [MASTERCPT] AS CPT ON CPT.[LEVEL] LIKE ''%'' + PP.[LEVEL] + ''%'' WHERE CPT.[CODE] IS NOT NULL AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (''0'','''') AND CPT.[CODE] NOT IN (SELECT CPTE.[CODE] FROM CPT AS CPTE WHERE CPTE.[CODE] IS NOT NULL) ) AS CPTS ORDER BY sequenceSet,[description] END /* Final select - uses artificial ordering from the insertion ORDER BY */ SELECT procedureCode,active FROM ( SELECT TOP 500 *-- procedureCode,active FROM #DistinctMatchingCpts ORDER BY sequenceSet,description ) AS CPTROWS DROP TABLE #DistinctMatchingCpts
SELECT TOP 10000 IDENTITY(int,1,1) AS Number INTO Numbers FROM sys.objects s1 CROSS JOIN sys.objects s2 ALTER TABLE Numbers ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Numbers PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (Number)
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FN_ListToTable] ( @SplitOn char(1) --required,the character to split the @List string on,@List varchar(8000)--required,the list to split apart ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( ---------------- --SINGLE QUERY-- --this will not return empty rows ---------------- SELECT ListValue FROM (SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(List2,number+1,CHARINDEX(@SplitOn,List2,number+1)-number - 1))) AS ListValue FROM ( SELECT @SplitOn + @List + @SplitOn AS List2 ) AS dt INNER JOIN Numbers n ON n.Number < LEN(dt.List2) WHERE SUBSTRING(List2,number,1) = @SplitOn ) dt2 WHERE ListValue IS NOT NULL AND ListValue!='' ); GO
select * from dbo.FN_ListToTable(',','1,2,3,4,5,6777,')
ListValue ----------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6777 (6 row(s) affected)
DECLARE @BaseTable table (RowID int primary key,RowValue varchar(100)) set nocount on INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 1,'The cows came home empty handed') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 2,'This is my string as a test template to rank') -- third INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 3,'pencil pen paperclip eraser') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 4,'wow') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 5,'no dice here') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 6,'This is my string as a test template to rank on even though not exact.') -- second INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 7,'apple banana pear grape lemon orange kiwi strawberry peach watermellon') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 8,'This is my string as a test template') -- 5th INSERT @BaseTable VALUES ( 9,'rat cat bat mat sat fat hat pat ') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES (10,'house home pool roll') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES (11,'This is my string as a test template to') -- 4th INSERT @BaseTable VALUES (12,'talk wisper yell scream sing hum') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES (13,'This is my string as a test template to rank on.') -- first INSERT @BaseTable VALUES (14,'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh') INSERT @BaseTable VALUES (15,'three twice three once twice three') set nocount off DECLARE @SearchValue varchar(100) SET @SearchValue='This is my value string as a test template to rank on.' ;WITH SplitBaseTable AS --expand each @BaseTable row into one row per word (SELECT b.RowID,b.RowValue,s.ListValue FROM @BaseTable b CROSS APPLY dbo.FN_ListToTable(' ',b.RowValue) AS s ),WordMatchCount AS --for each @BaseTable row that has has a word in common withe the search string,get the count of matching words (SELECT s.RowID,COUNT(*) AS CountOfWordMatch FROM dbo.FN_ListToTable(' ',@SearchValue) v INNER JOIN SplitBaseTable s ON v.ListValue=s.ListValue GROUP BY s.RowID HAVING COUNT(*)>0 ),SearchLen AS --get one row for each possible length of the search string ( SELECT n.Number,SUBSTRING(@SearchValue,n.Number) AS PartialSearchValue FROM Numbers n WHERE n.Number<=LEN(@SearchValue) ),MatchLen AS --for each @BaseTable row,get the max starting length that matches the search string ( SELECT b.RowID,MAX(l.Number) MatchStartLen FROM @BaseTable b LEFT OUTER JOIN SearchLen l ON LEFT(b.RowValue,l.Number)=l.PartialSearchValue GROUP BY b.RowID ) SELECT --return the final search results b.RowValue,w.CountOfWordMatch,m.MatchStartLen FROM @BaseTable b LEFT OUTER JOIN WordMatchCount w ON b.RowID=w.RowID LEFT OUTER JOIN MatchLen m ON b.RowID=m.RowID WHERE w.CountOfWordMatch>0 ORDER BY w.CountOfWordMatch DESC,m.MatchStartLen DESC,LEN(b.RowValue) DESC,b.RowValue ASC
RowValue CountOfWordMatch MatchStartLen ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- This is my string as a test template to rank on. 11 11 This is my string as a test template to rank on even though not exact. 10 11 This is my string as a test template to rank 10 11 This is my string as a test template to 9 11 This is my string as a test template 8 11 (5 row(s) affected)