我刚刚安装了sql Server 2008,将我的ASP.NET MVC 4项目配置为部署在本地IIS,并添加了一个新的连接到数据库(在sql server 2008中).
当我尝试通过Package Manager控制台中的Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName MonitoringNDataContext启用迁移(实体框架)时.我得到以下错误:
The EntityFramework package is not installed on project
- MonitoringN : Name the ASP.NET MVC 4 project.
- MonitoringNDataContext : Name of my DBContext class which is placed into MonitoringN.
- MonitoringN.Tests : Name of the Unit Test project related to MonitoringN.
在Package Manger Console中,您有Default project下拉列表.检查是否在其中选择了MonitoringN项目而不是MonitoringN.Tests项目.