“使用/ main编译以指定包含入口点的类型.”
在“static void Main(string [] args)”下面有一堆代码,我是从中得到的
- namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
- {
- public partial class Form1 : Form
- {
- OleDbConnection vcon = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=C:\Hazardous Materials\KinneyDatabase.accdb");
- public Form1()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- private void Form1_Load(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- vcon.Open();
- try
- {
- StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"C:\Hazardous Materials\cities.txt");
- string line = sr.ReadLine();
- StreamReader sr2 = new StreamReader(@"C:\Hazardous Materials\drugs.txt");
- string line2 = sr2.ReadLine();
- StreamReader sr3 = new StreamReader(@"C:\Hazardous Materials\strengths.txt");
- string line3 = sr3.ReadLine();
- while (line != null)
- {
- comboBox1.Items.Add(line);
- line = sr.ReadLine();
- }
- while (line2 != null)
- {
- comboBox2.Items.Add(line2);
- line2 = sr2.ReadLine();
- }
- while (line3 != null)
- {
- comboBox3.Items.Add(line3);
- line3 = sr3.ReadLine();
- }
- textBox2.Text = "Date";
- }
- catch (System.Exception ex)
- {
- MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
- }
- }
- private static OleDbCommand cmdGetIdentity;
- [STAThread]
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- // Open Connection
- OleDbConnection vcon = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=C:\Hazardous Materials\KinneyDatabase.accdb");
- vcon.Open();
- // If the test table does not exist then create the Table
- string strsql;
- strsql = "CREATE TABLE AutoIncrementTest " +
- "(ID int identity,Description varchar(40)," +
- "CONSTRAINT AutoIncrementTest_PrimaryKey PRIMARY KEY (ID))";
- // Command for Creating Table
- OleDbCommand cmdJetDB = new OleDbCommand(strsql,vcon);
- cmdJetDB.ExecuteNonQuery();
- // Create a DataAdaptor With Insert Command For inserting records
- OleDbDataAdapter oleDa = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from AutoIncrementTest",vcon);
- // Command to Insert Records
- OleDbCommand cmdInsert = new OleDbCommand();
- cmdInsert.CommandText = "INSERT INTO AutoIncrementTest (Description) VALUES (?)";
- cmdInsert.Connection = vcon;
- cmdInsert.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("Description",OleDbType.VarChar,40,"Description"));
- oleDa.InsertCommand = cmdInsert;
- // Create a DataTable
- DataTable dtTest = new DataTable();
- oleDa.Fill(dtTest);
- DataRow drTest;
- // Add Rows to the Table
- drTest = dtTest.NewRow();
- drTest["Description"] = "This is a Test Row 1";
- dtTest.Rows.Add(drTest);
- drTest = dtTest.NewRow();
- drTest["Description"] = "This is a Test Row 2";
- dtTest.Rows.Add(drTest);
- // Create another Command to get IDENTITY Value
- cmdGetIdentity = new OleDbCommand();
- cmdGetIdentity.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY";
- cmdGetIdentity.Connection = vcon;
- // Delegate for Handling RowUpdated event
- oleDa.RowUpdated += new OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler(HandleRowUpdated);
- // Update the Data
- oleDa.Update(dtTest);
- // Drop the table
- cmdJetDB.CommandText = "DROP TABLE AutoIncrementTest";
- cmdJetDB.ExecuteNonQuery();
- // Release the Resources
- cmdGetIdentity = null;
- cmdInsert = null;
- cmdJetDB = null;
- vcon.Close();
- vcon = null;
- }
- // Event Handler for RowUpdated Event
- private static void HandleRowUpdated(object sender,OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.Status == UpdateStatus.Continue && e.StatementType == StatementType.Insert )
- {
- // Get the Identity column value
- e.Row["ID"] = Int32.Parse(cmdGetIdentity.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Row["ID"]);
- e.Row.AcceptChanges();
- }
- }
- private void button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex <= 0)
- {
- MessageBox.Show("All fields must be filled out to submit the form");
- }
- else if (comboBox2.SelectedIndex <= 0)
- {
- MessageBox.Show("All fields must be filled out to submit the form");
- }
- string addRemove = "";
- //string toFrom = "";
- if (radioButton1.Checked)
- {
- addRemove = "add";
- //toFrom = "to";
- }
- else if (radioButton2.Checked)
- {
- addRemove = "remove";
- //toFrom = "from";
- }
- float mgTotal = (float.Parse(textBox1.Text) * float.Parse(comboBox3.Text));
- MessageBox.Show("You have entered the following information: \n\n"
- + "\n" + "Location: " + float.Parse(comboBox1.Text)
- + "\n" + "Medication: " + comboBox2.Text
- + "\n" + "Quantity " + textBox2.Text
- + "\n" + "Strength " + float.Parse(comboBox3.Text)
- + "\n" + "Initials: " + textBox3.Text
- + "\n" + "Add or Remove: " + addRemove
- + "\n" + "Date: " + textBox2.Text);
- }
- private void button2_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- new Form2().Show();
- }
- private void button3_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- Application.Exit();
- }
- private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- MessageBox.Show("Produced for use by HealthDirect© \n Scripted by Geoff Bertollini. March 2012");
- }
- private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- }
- private void comboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- comboBox3.SelectedIndex = comboBox2.SelectedIndex;
- }
- private void textBox2_TextChanged(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- var date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
- textBox2.Text = date;
- }
- private void label4_Click_1(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- }
- private void exitToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- Application.Exit();
- }
- private void button4_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
- {
- string addRemove = "";
- string toFrom = "";
- if (radioButton1.Checked)
- {
- addRemove = "added";
- toFrom = "to";
- }
- else if (radioButton2.Checked)
- {
- addRemove = "removed";
- toFrom = "from";
- }
- float mgTotal = (float.Parse(textBox1.Text) * float.Parse(comboBox3.Text));
- string vsql = string.Format("insert into Log values " +
- "('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},'{4}',#{5}#,'{6}','{7}')",comboBox1.Text,comboBox2.Text,float.Parse(textBox1.Text),float.Parse(comboBox3.Text),textBox3.Text,textBox2.Text,addRemove,"1"
- );
- OleDbCommand vcom = new OleDbCommand(vsql,vcon);
- vcom.ExecuteNonQuery();
- MessageBox.Show("Date: " + textBox2.Text + "\n Initials: " + textBox3.Text
- + "\n" + "You have " + addRemove + " " + mgTotal + " milligrams " + "\n"
- + "of " + comboBox2.Text + "\n" + toFrom + " the inventory of \n" + comboBox1.Text);
- vcom.Dispose();
- }
- }
- }