<%= button_tag(type: 'submit',class: "btn") do %> ... <%= button_tag(type: 'submit',class: "btn",id: "2",name: 'private') do %> ...
if params[:private] # the private action / What do we need to put here? else # normal submit / and here?
def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) @habits = @user.habits @valuations = @user.valuations @accomplished_goals = @user.goals.accomplished @unaccomplished_goals = @user.goals.unaccomplished @averaged_quantifieds = @user.quantifieds.averaged @instance_quantifieds = @user.quantifieds.instance end
<% if @user.habits.any? %> <h2>Habits</h2> <h4>Challenges</h4> <%= render partial: 'habits',locals: {habits: @habits} %> <% end %> <% if @user.valuations.any? %> <h2>Values</h2> <%= render @valuations %> <% end %> <% if @user.goals.any? %> <h2>Goals</h2> <h4> Current</h4> <%= render @unaccomplished_goals %> <% end %> <% if @user.goals.any? %> <h4>Accomplished</h4> <%= render @accomplished_goals %> <% end %> <% if @user.quantifieds.any? %> <h2>Stats</h2> <h4>Averaged</h4> <%= render partial: 'averaged',locals: {habits: @averaged_quantifieds} %> <% end %> <% if @user.quantifieds.any? %> <h4>Instance</h4> <%= render partial: 'instance',locals: {habits: @instance_quantifieds} %> <% end %>
按照要求 :)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :authentications has_many :habits,dependent: :destroy has_many :levels has_many :valuations,dependent: :destroy has_many :comments,as: :commentable has_many :goals,dependent: :destroy has_many :quantifieds,dependent: :destroy has_many :results,through: :quantifieds accepts_nested_attributes_for :quantifieds,:reject_if => :all_blank,:allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :results,:allow_destroy => true has_many :active_relationships,class_name: "Relationship",foreign_key: "follower_id",dependent: :destroy has_many :passive_relationships,foreign_key: "followed_id",dependent: :destroy has_many :following,through: :active_relationships,source: :followed has_many :followers,through: :passive_relationships,source: :follower attr_accessor :remember_token,:activation_token,:reset_token before_save :downcase_email before_create :create_activation_digest validates :name,presence: true,length: { maximum: 50 } VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i validates :email,length: { maximum: 255 },format: { with: VALID_EMAIL_REGEX },uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false },unless: -> { from_omniauth? } has_secure_password validates :password,length: { minimum: 6 } def self.from_omniauth(auth) where(provider: auth.provider,uid: auth.uid).first_or_initialize.tap do |user| user.provider = auth.provider user.uid = auth.uid user.name = auth.info.name user.oauth_token = auth.credentials.token user.oauth_expires_at = Time.at(auth.credentials.expires_at) user.password = (0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join user.email = (0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join+"@mailinator.com" user.save! end end # Returns the hash digest of the given string. def User.digest(string) cost = ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost ? BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST : BCrypt::Engine.cost BCrypt::Password.create(string,cost: cost) end # Returns a random token. def User.new_token SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 end # Remembers a user in the database for use in persistent sessions. def remember self.remember_token = User.new_token update_attribute(:remember_digest,User.digest(remember_token)) end # Forgets a user. NOT SURE IF I REMOVE def forget update_attribute(:remember_digest,nil) end # Returns true if the given token matches the digest. def authenticated?(attribute,token) digest = send("#{attribute}_digest") return false if digest.nil? BCrypt::Password.new(digest).is_password?(token) end # Activates an account. def activate update_attribute(:activated,true) update_attribute(:activated_at,Time.zone.now) end # Sends activation email. def send_activation_email UserMailer.account_activation(self).deliver_now end def create_reset_digest self.reset_token = User.new_token update_attribute(:reset_digest,User.digest(reset_token)) update_attribute(:reset_sent_at,Time.zone.now) end # Sends password reset email. def send_password_reset_email UserMailer.password_reset(self).deliver_now end # Returns true if a password reset has expired. def password_reset_expired? reset_sent_at < 2.hours.ago end def good_results_count results.good_count end # Returns status Feed. def Feed following_ids = "SELECT followed_id FROM relationships WHERE follower_id = :user_id" Habit.where("user_id IN (#{following_ids}) OR user_id = :user_id",user_id: id) Valuation.where("user_id IN (#{following_ids}) OR user_id = :user_id",user_id: id) Goal.where("user_id IN (#{following_ids}) OR user_id = :user_id",user_id: id) Quantified.where("user_id IN (#{following_ids}) OR user_id = :user_id",user_id: id) end # Follows a user. def follow(other_user) active_relationships.create(followed_id: other_user.id) end # Unfollows a user. def unfollow(other_user) active_relationships.find_by(followed_id: other_user.id).destroy end # Returns true if the current user is following the other user. def following?(other_user) following.include?(other_user) end private def from_omniauth? provider && uid end # Converts email to all lower-case. def downcase_email self.email = email.downcase unless from_omniauth? end # Creates and assigns the activation token and digest. def create_activation_digest self.activation_token = User.new_token self.activation_digest = User.digest(activation_token) end end
class UsersController < ApplicationController before_action :logged_in_user,only: [:index,:edit,:update,:destroy,:following,:followers] before_action :correct_user,only: [:edit,:update] before_action :admin_user,only: :destroy def index @users = User.paginate(page: params[:page]) end def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) @habits = @user.habits @valuations = @user.valuations @accomplished_goals = @user.goals.accomplished @unaccomplished_goals = @user.goals.unaccomplished @averaged_quantifieds = @user.quantifieds.averaged @instance_quantifieds = @user.quantifieds.instance end def new @user = User.new end def create @user = User.new(user_params) if @user.save @user.send_activation_email flash[:info] = "Please check your email to activate your account." redirect_to root_url else @Feed_items = [] render 'pages/home' end end def edit @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def update @user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.update_attributes(user_params) flash[:success] = "Profile updated" redirect_to @user else render 'edit' end end def destroy User.find(params[:id]).destroy flash[:success] = "User deleted" redirect_to users_url end def following @title = "Following" @user = User.find(params[:id]) @users = @user.following.paginate(page: params[:page]) render 'show_follow' end def followers @title = "Followers" @user = User.find(params[:id]) @users = @user.followers.paginate(page: params[:page]) render 'show_follow' end private def user_params params.require(:user).permit(:name,:email,:password,:password_confirmation) end # Before filters # Confirms a logged-in user. def logged_in_user unless logged_in? store_location flash[:danger] = "Please log in." redirect_to login_url end end # Confirms the correct user. def correct_user @user = User.find(params[:id]) redirect_to(root_url) unless current_user?(@user) end # Confirms an admin user. def admin_user redirect_to(root_url) unless current_user.admin? end end
有了K的答案,我会在转到用户或用户/ 1,用户/ 2等时收到此错误消息.
Started GET "/users/1" for at 2015-04-01 16:32:13 -0400 SyntaxError (/Users/galli01anthony/Desktop/Pecoce/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:79: Syntax error,unexpected ':',expecting keyword_end users_attributes: [:name,:... ^ /Users/galli01anthony/Desktop/Pecoce/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:79: Syntax error,unexpected ',',expecting keyword_end ...ivate,:password_confirmation],valuations_attributes: [:nam... ... ^ /Users/galli01anthony/Desktop/Pecoce/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:79: Syntax error,unexpected '=',expecting keyword_end ... [:name,:tag_list,:private] = true ... ^ /Users/galli01anthony/Desktop/Pecoce/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:81: Syntax error,:... ^ /Users/galli01anthony/Desktop/Pecoce/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:81: Syntax error,expecting keyword_end ...sword,valuations_attributes: [:nam... ... ^): app/controllers/users_controller.rb:79: Syntax error,expecting keyword_end app/controllers/users_controller.rb:79: Syntax error,expecting keyword_end app/controllers/users_controller.rb:81: Syntax error,expecting keyword_end
这是一个由两部分组成的问题.在这里找到第二部分:How to use private submit to hide from feed?
接下来,您可以向用户模型添加一个方法,该方法将仅使用private = false标志(对于公共视图)获取用户的数据.
t.boolean :private,default: false
def public? private == true ? false : true end
# gets public valutations or nil,if there's no public valutation def public_valuations valuations.find(&:public?) end
@valuations = @ user.public_valuations
您当前的show动作现在显示所有其他用户的信息 – 公共和私有 – 只有在current_user = @user时才会显示.
def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) if current_user == @user @habits = @user.habits @valuations = @user.valuations @accomplished_goals = @user.goals.accomplished @unaccomplished_goals = @user.goals.unaccomplished @averaged_quantifieds = @user.quantifieds.averaged @instance_quantifieds = @user.quantifieds.instance else @valuations = @user.public_valuations end end
该解决方案依赖于current_user,即您必须具有返回当前logged_in用户的对象的方法(可能在会话中). Michael Hartl撰写了一篇关于用户身份验证的精彩tutorial. * RubyonRailsBeginner使用了Hartl教程:)
def user_params if params[:private] = true params.require(:user).permit(:name,:private,:password_confirmation,valuations_attributes: [:name,:private]) else params[:user][:valuations][:private] = false params.require(:user).permit(:name,:tag_list]) end end
Rails Api为您提供了有关嵌套属性的强参数的一些提示.