rack cookie based sessions,但是考虑到这一点,Sinatra会话是Rack cookie会话.
进一步,我found this in the Sinatra docs:
To improve security,the session data in the cookie is signed with a session secret. A random secret is generate for you by Sinatra. However,since this secret will change with every start of your application,you might want to set the secret yourself,so all your application instances share it:
set :session_secret,'super secret'
所以看来,每个Heroku dyno都生成一个不同的键,所以不能读每个对话的cookie,你需要指定一个键,所以每个dyno使用相同的键.
而不是为您的源代码添加秘密密钥,您可能更好地设置一个environment variable:
$heroku config:add SESSION_KEY=a_longish_secret_key然后在你的sinatra应用程序:
enable :sessions set :session_secret,ENV['SESSION_KEY']