ruby-on-rails – 如何为导轨写黄瓜(最佳做法).功能和步骤

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ruby-on-rails – 如何为导轨写黄瓜(最佳做法).功能和步骤前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


@H_403_5@Scenario: Unsuccessful login Given a user has an account When the user tries to log in with invalid information Then the user should see an log in error message Scenario: Successful login Given a user has an account When the user logs in Then the user should see an log in success message And the user should see a sign out link Scenario: Successful logout Given a signed in user Then the user logs out And the user should see an log out success message



@H_403_5@Scenario: Visit profile of user Given a user And a second user When the user visit the user profile Then the user should see the name of the user Scenario: Visit profile of another user Given a user And a second user When the user visit the second users profile Then the user should see the name of the second user


@H_403_5@def user @user ||= FactoryGirl.create :user end Given /^a signed in user$/ do user sign_in(,@user.password) end Given /^a user has an account$/ do user end When /^the user logs in$/ do sign_in(,@user.password) end When /^the user logs out$/ do click_link ('Sign out') end When /^the user tries to log in with invalid information$/ do sign_in("incorrect-email","incorrect-password") end Then /^the user should see a sign out link$/ do page.should have_link('Sign out') end Then /^the user should see an log in success message$/ do should have_success_message('Signed in successfully.') end When /^the user should see an log out success message$/ do should have_success_message('Signed out successfully.') end Then /^the user should see an log in error message$/ do should have_error_message('Invalid email or password.') end



I have problems if I should write it as “I visit” or “the user visit” or “he visit” Basically what is preferred?


关于创建@second_user的第二个问题,我认为你不应该这样做,因为这个用户并不完全是你的场景的一部分,因为它是一个数据设置,我认为处理数据设置的最好方法是使用pickle with cucumber,它基本上允许你在你的黄瓜中创建模型,而不必将它们作为变量保存,有一个great cast on RailsCast可以解释很多.


@H_403_5@Scenario: Visit profile of another user Given a user exists with name: "Mike",username: "mike" And a signed in user When the user visits the profile of "mike" Then the user should see 'Mike'


@H_403_5@When /^the user visits the profile of (.+)$/ do |username| visit("/#{username}") # I am assuming here usernames are unique and the profile url is "/:username" end
