def hello(z) "hello".gsub(/(o)/,&z) end z = proc {|m| p $1} hello(z) # prints: nil
def hello z = proc {|m| p $1} "hello".gsub(/(o)/,&z) end hello # prints: "o"
Why the output is different?
您可以看到在regexp之前定义了块,这可能会导致混淆.这个问题涉及一个魔法ruby变量,它与其他变量的工作方式完全不同. Citing @JörgWMittag
It’s rather simple,really: the reason why $SAFE doesn’t behave like you would expect from a global variable is because it isn’t a global variable. It’s a magic unicorn thingamajiggy.
There are quite a few of those magic unicorn thingamajiggies in Ruby,and they are unfortunately not very well documented (not at all documented,in fact),as the developers of the alternative Ruby implementations found out the hard way. These thingamajiggies all behave differently and (seemingly) inconsistently,and pretty much the only two things they have in common is that they look like global variables but don’t behave like them.
Some have local scope. Some have thread-local scope. Some magically change without anyone ever assigning to them. Some have magic meaning for the interpreter and change how the language behaves. Some have other weird semantics attached to them.
Is there a way to pass a block to gsub from another context with $1,$2 variables setup the right way?
require 'pp' def hello(z) #z = proc {|m| pp $1} "hello".gsub(/(o)/,&z) end z = proc {|m| pp m} hello(z)我不知道有办法在飞行中改变过程的范围.但你真的想这样做吗?