remote: -----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.2.2 remote: -----> Installing dependencies using 1.9.7 remote: Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment remote: Fetching gem Metadata from https://rubygems.org/........... remote: Fetching version Metadata from https://rubygems.org/... remote: Fetching dependency Metadata from https://rubygems.org/.. remote: Could not find net-ssh-2.10.0 in any of the sources remote: Bundler Output: Fetching gem Metadata from https://rubygems.org/........... remote: Fetching version Metadata from https://rubygems.org/... remote: Fetching dependency Metadata from https://rubygems.org/.. remote: Could not find net-ssh-2.10.0 in any of the sources remote: ! Failed to install gems via Bundler. remote: ! Push rejected,Failed to compile Ruby app
我已经删除了Gemfile.lock以查看重建此文件是否有所作为,但事实并非如此.另外,我已经尝试过gem uninstall net-ssh-2.10.0然后在推送到heroku之前捆绑安装.另外,我从我的Gemfile中删除了雾,因为那是net-ssh-2.10.0出现的宝石;然后做了捆绑更新,宝石清理,把雾放回Gemfile,运行捆绑安装,推送到git,再次推送到heroku同样的结果.
source 'https://rubygems.org' ruby '2.2.2' gem 'rails','4.2.3' gem 'bcrypt','3.1.10' gem 'faker','1.4.3' gem 'carrierwave','0.10.0' gem 'mini_magick','4.2.9' gem 'fog','1.32.0' gem 'aws-sdk','2.1.11' gem 'sass-rails','5.0.3' gem 'bootstrap-sass','' gem 'uglifier','2.7.1' gem 'coffee-rails','4.1.0' gem 'wice_grid','3.5.0' gem 'bootstrap-datepicker-rails','1.4.0' gem 'friendly_id','5.1.0' gem 'jquery-rails','4.0.4' gem 'turbolinks','2.5.3' gem 'jbuilder','2.3.1' gem 'sdoc','0.4.1',group: :doc gem 'pg','0.18.2' group :production do gem 'rails_12factor','0.0.3' gem 'puma','2.11.2' end