ruby – 平衡圆括号的简单Ragel示例?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ruby – 平衡圆括号的简单Ragel示例?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
  machine xo;

  char = "x" | "o";
  group = "(" char* ")";
  main := group;



group = "(" ( char | group )* ")";

Ragel State Machine Compiler User Guide (PDF)开始:(为了强调而添加了粗体文字):

“In general Ragel cannot handle recursive structures because the grammar is interpreted as a regular language. However,depending on what needs to be parsed it is sometimes practical to implement the recursive parts using manual coding techniques. This often works in cases where the recursive structures are simple and easy to recognize,such as in the balancing of parentheses.”

“One approach to parsing recursive structures is to use actions that increment and decrement counters or otherwise recognize the entry to and exit from recursive structures and then jump to the appropriate machine defnition using fcall and fret. Alternatively,semantic conditions can be used to test counter variables.

“A more traditional approach is to call a separate parsing function (expressed in the host lan- guage) when a recursive structure is entered,then later return when the end is recognized.”

a mailing list discussion on nested brackets开始,提到了相同的三种方法

  1. Specify a growable stack using prepush and postpop and then use fcall
    and fret.

  2. Counting and then verify in actions or conditions.

  3. Call a new parsing function (in the host language) when the recursive
    structure is entered.

你能在Ruby中指出我的每个例子 – 最好是使用上面的例子吗?谢谢!


使用fcall / fret的一般模式如下:
balanced = [^(){}\[\]] |
               '(' @{ fcall balancedTokensParen; } |
               '[' @{ fcall balancedTokensBracket; } |
               '{' @{ fcall balancedTokensBrace; };
balancedTokensParen   := balanced* ')' @{ fret; };
balancedTokensBracket := balanced* ']' @{ fret; };
balancedTokensBrace   := balanced* '}' @{ fret; };


char = [xo];
  group = '(' @{ fcall group_rest; };
  group_rest := (char|group)* ')' @{ fret; };

  main := group;


stack = []
%% write init;
%% write exec;
if top > 0 
    cs = %%{ write error; }%%
