ruby-on-rails – 为什么Ruby on Rails在编辑代码后虚假地提出“无法自动加载常量”?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了ruby-on-rails – 为什么Ruby on Rails在编辑代码后虚假地提出“无法自动加载常量”?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
自动加载(和重新加载)通常在我的 Ruby(2.3.0)Rails(5.0.1)项目中正常工作.但是,在开发模式下,我偶尔会看到如下错误

Unable to autoload constant Foo::Bar,expected /app/models/foo/bar.rb to define it


>文件(foo / bar.rb)确实定义了Foo :: Bar.

而且,foo / bar.rb的代码很简单:

module Foo
  class Bar < CustomRecord

简单的解决方法是重新启动服务器,然后再次发送请求(总是成功). FWIW,我正在使用zeus server.



您可以找到有关Rails自动加载行为的几个很好的解释. This answer提供了一个有用的解释,它从 this blog post at urbanautomaton.com开始抓取.



>它们不在自动加载路径中(如果config.autoload_paths =%W(#{config.root} / foo)未添加到config / application.rb,则Rails将找不到app / foo / bar.rb)

它将在app / foo / bar.rb中找到Foo :: Bar,如果它被定义为:

module Foo
  class Bar


module Foo
  module Bar



At this point,we’ve only seen how a single constant name maps to a
single file name. But as we know,a constant reference in Ruby can
resolve to a number of different constant definitions,which vary
depending on the nesting in which the reference was made. How does
Rails handle this?

The answer is,“partially”. As Module#const_missing passes no nesting
information to the receiver,Rails does not know the nesting in which
the reference was made,and it must make an assumption. For any
reference to a constant Foo::Bar::Baz,it assumes the following:



In other words,it assumes the maximum nesting possible for a given constant
reference. The example reference is therefore treated exactly the same
as the following:

Foo::Bar::Baz # Module.nesting => []


While there’s
been a significant loss of information,Rails does have some extra
information it can use. It knows that Ruby Failed to resolve this
particular constant reference using its regular lookup,meaning that
whatever constant it should refer to cannot be already loaded.

When Foo::Bar::Baz is referred to,then,Rails will attempt to load
the following constants in turn,until it finds one that is already

  • Foo::Bar::Baz
  • Foo::Baz
  • Baz

As soon as an already-loaded constant Baz
is encountered,Rails knows this cannot be the Baz it is looking for,
and the algorithm raises a NameError.



确保将’app / models / foo’添加到config / application.rb中的autoload_load路径 – 或将’foo’移动到app / models / concern,默认情况下应该存在.

通常添加显式require语句会有所帮助 – 特别是如果事情在开发中正确加载但在测试中没有.我最近通过添加一个需要所有嵌套文件文件解决了这个问题(我的目录结构没有镜像我的命名空间结构),然后在我的测试助手中需要该文件.



the same blog post

If constants are loaded only when they’re first encountered at
runtime,then by necessity their load order depends on the individual
execution path. This can mean that the same constant reference
resolves to different constant definitions in two runs of the same
code. Worse still,the same constant reference twice in a row can give
different results.

Let’s go back to our last example. What happens if we call .print_qux


NameError: uninitialized constant Foo::Bar::Qux This is disastrous!
First we’ve been given the wrong result,and then we’ve been
incorrectly told that the constant we referred to doesn’t exist. What
on earth led to this?

The first time,as before,is down to the loss of nesting information.
Rails can’t know that Foo::Qux isn’t what we’re after,so once it
realises that Foo::Bar::Qux does not exist,it happily loads it.

The second time,however,Foo::Qux is already loaded. So our reference
can’t have been to that constant,otherwise Ruby would have resolved
it,and autoloading would never have been invoked. So the lookup
terminates with a NameError,even though our reference could (and
should) have resolved to the as-yet-unloaded ::Qux.

We can fix this by referring to ::Qux first,ensuring that it’s loaded
for Ruby to resolve the reference:


A funny thing has happened here. In order to get correct behavIoUr,we
deliberately loaded the constant we needed before we used it (albeit
indirectly,by referring to it,rather than loading the file that
defined it).

But wait; isn’t this suspicIoUsly close to explicitly loading our
dependencies with require,the very thing autoloading was supposed to
save us from?

To be fair,we could also have fixed the issue by fully qualifying all of our constant references,i.e. making sure that within .print_qux we referred to ::Qux and not the ambiguous Qux. But this still costs us our existing intuitions about Ruby’s behavIoUr. Moreover,without intimate knowledge of the autoloading process,we would have been hard pressed to deduce that this was necessary.

