Net::SCP implements the SCP (Secure CoPy) client protocol,allowing Ruby programs to securely and programmatically transfer individual files or entire directory trees to and from remote servers. It provides support for multiple simultaneous SCP copies working in parallel over the same connection,as well as for synchronous,serial copies.
Net::SCP also provides an open-uri tie-in,so you can use the Kernel#open method to open and read a remote file:
# if you want to read from a URL voa SCP: require 'uri/open-scp' puts open("scp://user@remote.host/path/to/file").read
require 'net/ssh' Net::SSH.start('host','user',:password => "password") do |ssh| # capture all stderr and stdout output from a remote process output = ssh.exec!("hostname")
您可以使用Net::SFTP在一个gem中管理它,而不是使用Net :: SCP和Net :: SSH.它也依赖于安全连接,但您可能无法使用SFTP. Net :: SFTP :: Operations :: Dir和Net :: SFTP :: Operations ::下载类和文档将成为您的朋友.
any other better approach?
rsync,在命令行.它非常智能,可以根据需要移动文件夹和文件的增量.另外,“How to transfer files using ssh and Ruby”及其与“Ruby file upload ssh intro”的链接.
Melding @ tadman对Ruby的rsync推荐,有“Cheapest rsync replacement (with Ruby)”.