在一堆rspec rails单元规格中,我做了类似的事情:
describe Foo do [:bar,:baz].each do |a| it "should have many #{a}" do Foo.should have_many(a) end end end
describe Foo do spec_has_many Foo,:bar,:baz end
def spec_has_many(model,*args) args.each do |a| define_method("it_should_have_many_#{a}") do model.should have_many(a) end end end
module ExampleMacros def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # This will be available as a "Class Macro" in the included class def should_have_many(*args) args.each do |a| # Runs the 'it' block in the context of the current instance instance_eval do # This is just normal RSpec code at this point it "should have_many #{a.to_s}" do subject.should have_many(a) end end end end end end describe Foo do # Include the module which will define the should_have_many method # Can be done automatically in RSpec configuration (see below) include ExampleMacros # This may or may not be required,but the should_have_many method expects # subject to be defined (which it is by default,but this just makes sure # it's what we expect) subject { Foo } # And off we go. Note that you don't need to pass it a model should_have_many :a,:b end
# RSpec 2.0.0 RSpec.configure do |c| c.include ExampleMacros end