class Superclass def before_each_method puts "Before Method" #this is supposed to be invoked by each extending class' method end end class Subclass < Superclass def my_method #when this method is called,before_each_method method is supposed to get invoked end end
class Superclass def before_each_method name p [:before_method,name] end def self.method_added name return if @__last_methods_added && @__last_methods_added.include?(name) with = :"#{name}_with_before_each_method" without = :"#{name}_without_before_each_method" @__last_methods_added = [name,with,without] define_method with do |*args,&block| before_each_method name send without,*args,&block end alias_method without,name alias_method name,with @__last_methods_added = nil end end class SubclassA < Superclass def my_new_method p :my_new_method end def my_new_other_method p :my_new_other_method end end SubclassA.new.my_new_method SubclassA.new.my_new_other_method