尝试做一些奇怪的事情可能会变成更有用的东西,我试图在自定义类上定义我自己的[] =运算符,你可以做它,并返回与value参数不同的东西,显然你不能做. [] =运算符的返回值始终为值;即使您重写此运算符,也不会控制返回值.
class Weird def []=(key,value) puts "#{key}:#{value}" return 42 end end x = Weird.new x[:a] = "a" output "a:a" return value => "a" # why not 42?
rubyMRI 1.8.7.所有的ruby都是一样的是语言的一部分吗?
请注意,此行为也适用于所有赋值表达式(即属性赋值方法:def a =(value); 42; end).
例如,期望x = y.a = z [4] = 2是合理的:
>调用z.[] =(4,2),然后
>调用y.a =(2),然后
这跟随principle of least surprise;如果相反,它最终等于x = y.a =(z.[] =(4,2))(最终值受两个方法调用影响),这将是相当令人惊讶的.
> Programming Ruby(1.8),在Expressions部分:
An assignment statement sets the variable or attribute on its left side (the lvalue) to refer to the value on the right (the rvalue). It then returns that value as the result of the assignment expression.
@H_301_30@> Programming Ruby 1.9 (3rd ed)第22.6节表达式,条件和循环:
The value of an assignment expression is its rvalue. This is true even if the assignment is to an attribute method that returns something different.