Ruby SDK文档(或者更具体地说是DynamoDB数据模型的概念).
Note: I have read through the Data Model documentation as well and it’s still not sinking in; I’m hoping a proper example in Ruby with clear up my confusion
dyn = AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810.new # => #<AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810> dyn.create_table({ :attribute_definitions => [ { :attribute_name => "item_id",:attribute_type => "N" } ],:table_name => "my_books",:key_schema => [ { :attribute_name => "item_id",:key_type => "HASH" },],:provisioned_throughput => { :read_capacity_units => 10,:write_capacity_units => 10 } }) # => {:table_description=>{:attribute_definitions=>[{:attribute_name=>"item_id",:attribute_type=>"N"}],:table_name=>"my_books",:key_schema=>[{:attribute_name=>"item_id",:key_type=>"HASH"}],:table_status=>"ACTIVE",:creation_date_time=>2014-11-24 16:59:47 +0000,:provisioned_throughput=>{:number_of_decreases_today=>0,:read_capacity_units=>10,:write_capacity_units=>10},:table_size_bytes=>0,:item_count=>0}} dyn.list_tables # => {:table_names=>["my_books"]} dyn.scan :table_name => "my_books" # => {:member=>[],:count=>0,:scanned_count=>0}
dyn.put_item( :table_name => "my_books",:item => { "item_id" => 1,"item_title" => "My Book Title","item_released" => false } )
expected hash value for value at key item_id of option item
dyn.put_item( :table_name => "my_books",:item => { "item_id" => { "N" => 1 },"item_released" => false } )
expected string value for key N of value at key item_id of option item
编辑/更新:根据Uri Agassi的建议 – 我将值从1更改为“1”.我不确定为什么必须引用它,因为我已经将类型定义为数字而不是字符串,但是好吧让我们接受这个并继续前进.
我终于弄清楚了解DynamoDB数据模型和使用Ruby SDK所需的大部分内容.
# https://github.com/BBC-News/alephant-harness can automate the below set-up when using SpurIoUs # API Documentation http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_Operations.html # Ruby SDK API Documentation http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSRubySDK/latest/frames.html#!AWS/DynamoDB/Client/V20120810.html require "aws-sdk" require "dotenv" require "spurIoUs/ruby/awssdk/helper" SpurIoUs::Ruby::Awssdk::Helper.configure # => <AWS::Core::Configuration> Dotenv.load( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__),"config","development","env.yaml" ) ) # => {"AWS_REGION"=>"eu-west-1","AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"=>"development_access","AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"=>"development_secret","DYNAMO_LU"=>"development_lookup","DYNAMO_SQ"=>"development_sequence","SQS_QUEUE"=>"development_queue","S3_BUCKET"=>"development_bucket"} dyn = AWS::DynamoDB::Client.new :api_version => "2012-08-10" dyn = AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810.new # => #<AWS::DynamoDB::Client::V20120810> dyn.create_table({ # This section requires us to define our primary key # Which will be called "item_id" and it must be a numerical value :attribute_definitions => [ { :attribute_name => "item_id",# The primary key will be a simple Hash key (not a Hash/Range which requires both key types to be provided) # The attributes defined above must be included in the :key_schema Array :key_schema => [ { :attribute_name => "item_id",:key_type => "HASH" } ],:scanned_count=>0} dyn.put_item( :table_name => "my_books",:item => { "item_id" => { "N" => "1" },# oddly this needs to be a String and not a strict Integer? "item_title" => { "S" => "My Book Title"},"item_released" => { "B" => "false" } } ) # Note: if you use an "item_id" that already exists,then the item will be updated. # Unless you use the "expected" conditional feature dyn.put_item( :table_name => "my_books","item_released" => { "B" => "false" } },# The :expected key specifies the conditions of our "put" operation. # If "item_id" isn't NULL (i.e. it exists) then our condition has Failed. # This means we only write the value when the key "item_id" hasn't been set. :expected => { "item_id" => { :comparison_operator => "NULL" } } ) # AWS::DynamoDB::Errors::ConditionalCheckFailedException: The conditional check Failed dyn.scan :table_name => "my_books" # => {:member=>[{"item_id"=>{:n=>"1"},"item_title"=>{:s=>"My Book Title"},"item_released"=>{:b=>"false"}}],:count=>1,:scanned_count=>1} dyn.query :table_name => "my_books",:consistent_read => true,:key_conditions => { "item_id" => { :comparison_operator => "EQ",:attribute_value_list => [{ "n" => "1" }] },"item_title" => { :comparison_operator => "EQ",:attribute_value_list => [{ "s" => "My Book Title" }] } } # => {:member=>[{"item_id"=>{:n=>"1"},:select => "SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES",:attributes_to_get => ["item_title"],:attribute_value_list => [{ "s" => "My Book Title" }] } } # => {:member=>[{"item_title"=>{:s=>"My Book Title"}}],:scanned_count=>1} dyn.delete_item( :table_name => "my_books",:key => { "item_id" => { "n" => "1" } } ) # => {:member=>[],:scanned_count=>0}