Rails 2.3的EOL日期是什么?
2.3当rails 4.0.0发布时,2013-06-25达到了EOL.
根据Michael Koziarski,只有“最后一个主要版本系列”才会收到补丁.因此,当4.0发布时,2.3停止接收补丁.
铁路团队曾希望早些时候停止对2.3的支持.在2011-12-29 Aaron said:
.. we have no plans of releasing another version of 2.3 [beyond 2.3.14]
在此之前,2011-06-08,Aaron said:
This branch [2.3] is in security-maintenance mode. We will release it when there are problems like “the sky is falling”,or major security issues. It’s time for us to focus on pushing Rails forward!