# Python 3 from itertools import chain,count face_ranks = dict( zip( ('jack','queen','king','ace'),count(11))) sorted_deck = map( lambda suit: map( lambda rank: { 'rank' : rank,'suit' : suit },chain( range(2,11),face_ranks.keys())),('clubs','diamonds','hearts','spades'))@H_502_2@那么,我如何在Ruby中完成这项工作,完全避免使用数组呢?请注意,据我所知,上面的代码只使用元组和生成器:在任何时候都不会将整个序列转储到内存中,就像我使用了数组一样.我对上面的代码可能是错的,但是你得到了我想要的东西. @H_502_2@我如何链接迭代器(如Python的chain())?如何生成无限范围的迭代器(如Python的count())?如何在迭代器中添加一个数组(比如将元组传递给Python的链())而不将整个过程转换为数组? @H_502_2@我见过解决方案,但它们涉及阵列或不必要的复杂性,如光纤. @H_502_2@在Python中,我可以像数组一样简单地操作和抛出迭代器.我几乎可以把它们当作Haskell列表来对待,我最熟悉的就是它,而且在编码时我的想法就是这样.我对Ruby数组感到不舒服,这就是为什么我寻求其替代品的帮助. @H_502_2@我已经设法在互联网上获取有关它的信息,但我找不到任何涵盖Ruby中这种数据结构的基本操作?有帮助吗?
Ruby似乎没有很多内置的方法来完成你想用枚举器做的不同的事情,但是你可以制作自己的方法.这就是我在这里所做的,使用Ruby 1.9:
def get_enums_from_args(args) args.collect { |e| e.is_a?(Enumerator) ? e.dup : e.to_enum } end def build(y,&block) while true y << (begin yield; rescue StopIteration; break; end) end end def zip(*args) enums = get_enums_from_args args Enumerator.new do |y| build y do enums.collect { |e| e.next } end end end def chain(*args) enums = get_enums_from_args args Enumerator.new do |y| enums.each do |e| build y do e.next end end end end def multiply(*args) enums = get_enums_from_args args duped_enums = enums.collect { |e| e.dup } Enumerator.new do |y| begin while true y << (begin; enums.collect { |e| e.peek }; rescue StopIteration; break; end ) index = enums.length - 1 while true begin enums[index].next enums[index].peek break rescue StopIteration # Some iterator ran out of items. # If it was the first iterator,we are done,raise if index == 0 # If it was a different iterator,reset it # and then look at the iterator before it. enums[index] = duped_enums[index].dup index -= 1 end end end rescue StopIteration end end end@H_502_2@我使用rspec编写了一个规范来测试函数并演示它们的作用: @H_502_2@iter_spec.rb:
require_relative 'iter' describe "zip" do it "zips together enumerators" do e1 = "Louis".chars e2 = "198".chars zip(e1,e2).to_a.should == [ ['L','1'],['o','9'],['u','8'] ] end it "works with arrays too" do zip([1,2],[:a,nil]).to_a.should == [ [1,:a],[2,nil] ] end end describe "chain" do it "chains enumerators" do e1 = "Jon".chars e2 = 0..99999999999 e = chain(e1,e2) e.next.should == "J" e.next.should == "o" e.next.should == "n" e.next.should == 0 e.next.should == 1 end end describe "multiply" do it "multiplies enumerators" do e1 = "ABC".chars e2 = 1..3 multiply(e1,e2).to_a.should == [["A",1],["A",3],["B",["C",3]] end it "is lazily evalutated" do e1 = 0..999999999 e2 = 1..3 e = multiply(e1,e2) e.next.should == [0,1] e.next.should == [0,2] e.next.should == [0,3] e.next.should == [1,1] e.next.should == [1,2] end it "resulting enumerator can not be cloned effectively" do ranks = chain(2..10,[:jack,:queen,:king,:ace]) suits = [:clubs,:diamonds,:hearts,:spades] cards = multiply(suits,ranks) c2 = cards.clone cards.next.should == [:clubs,2] c2.next.should == [:clubs,3] c2.next.should == [:clubs,4] c2.next.should == [:clubs,5] cards.next.should == [:clubs,6] end it "resulting enumerator can not be duplicated after first item is evaluated" do ranks = chain(2..10,:spades] cards = multiply(ranks,suits) cards.peek lambda { cards.dup }.should raise_error TypeError end end@H_502_2@如上面的规范所示,这些方法使用惰性评估. @H_502_2@此外,这里定义的zip,chain和multiply函数的主要缺点是生成的枚举器不能轻易复制或克隆,因为我们没有编写任何代码来复制这些新枚举器所依赖的枚举参数.你可能需要创建一个Enumerator的子类,或者创建一个包含Enumerable模块的类或者类似的东西来使dup更好地工作.