


Alex Ionescu,ReactOS项目协调员,在开发邮件列表中发了这样一篇文章:为了终止所有谣言…… 事情的起因是很多人不明白ReactOS和TinyKRNL这两个项目之间的关系,由于出现了越来越多的猜测和怀疑,而这也对程序员们的实际开发造成了困扰,因此Alex写了这个帖子,同时提醒志愿者,该如何正确利用TinyKRNL中的资源。 由于很多志愿者只通过svn、irc和邮件列表交流(比如我),并不经常上网站,因此今天这篇帖子又在邮件列表中转发。 为了终止所有谣言…… Aleksey和我都认为在主题上写一篇正式的表态是终止所有谣言的好主意,这篇文章已经贴在网站上,现在转发给那些没有读到的人: -- ReactOS项目协调员所发布的官方信件 fireball于2006-05-18 ReactOS和TinyKRNL项目的官方关系 项目协调员:Aleksey Bragin和Alex Ionescu 撰写 关于TinyKRNL项目的官方信息发布的很少,这似乎为闲话的出现提供了机会。这篇短文意在明确这两个项目之间的关系。 TinyKRNL是一个教育性的、文档性的项目,该项目创建了各种用于Windows 2003 SP1的替换性的插件(最终把内核也换了),产生了一系列的文章,最后汇总在一本书里。用于开发TinyKRNL的模块源代码方法包括了所有可能的方法,只要是能达到100%兼容(或等效)的目标。其中的一种方法是反向工程(一般的称谓是‘非净室’,更多的资料请参考Wikipedia的关于净室反向工程和非净室反向工程的文章)。 不幸的是,由于版权法和其他相关的法律条文,ReactOS(也瞄准了商业应用)是不能利用这种直接的反向工程的方法,这导致ReactOS和TinyKRNL项目不能像和wine一样共享所有的源代码。 不过,还是有一些有用的例外: * 首先,所有的接口都是共享的。这给了ReactOS无与伦比的兼容级别,也有了法律上的自由(接口是无版权的)。 * 其次,最有价值的是,TinyKRNL将提供关于最新的、最高版本的NT操作系统-Windows 2003 SP1的最完整的文档。ReactOS开发者在创建全新的功能实现或改进现有代码时,可以以这些文档作为参考。 * 第三,TinyKRNL中任何符合ReactOS开发方面政策的代码,都可以直接加入ReactOS,包括编译工具和第三方文件。 更多关于TinyKRNL项目的信息,请参阅http://www.tinykrnl.org网站。我们鼓励大家登录到TinyKRNL。我也鼓励大家订阅TinyKRNL的开发邮件列表,发送空邮件到devel-subscribe@tinykrnl.org即可订阅,也可以加入和#reactos在同一个IRC服务器的#tinykrnl频道;许多ReactOS开发者和用户经常在上面讨论一些关于内核的有趣的内容,挑战性的话题,也有些非主题的聊天。 原文如下: Aleksey and I thought it would be a good idea to end rumours and write up an official stance on the topic,so here is a paste from the website,for those of you that don't read it: -- The official letter written by project coordinators of these projects by fireball on 2006-05-18 ReactOS and TinyKRNL projects' official relationship Prepared by Aleksey Bragin and Alex Ionescu,Project Coordinators. There is a little information posted officially about TinyKRNL project and this provides a base for gossip to appear. This short article is intended to clear up official relations between these two projects. TinyKRNL is an educational and documentation project which creates plug-in replacements for varIoUs modules of Windows 2003 SP 1 (ultimately replacing the kernel too) and a series of papers ultimately combined into a book. The methods used for development of TinyKRNL’s modules source code involve all possible methods of achieving the end result of having a 100% compatible (or even identical) result. Reverse engineering is one of them (mainly so-called ‘dirty’ way,for further reference see Wikipedia’s article about clean room reverse engineering vs. dirty room reversing). Unfortunately,due to copyright laws and other law-related stuff,ReactOS (which aims at commercial usage too) can not directly utilize methods of development like dirty reverse engineering,and thus ReactOS can not share all code with the TinyKRNL project like we are sharing code with WINE. However,there are some very useful exceptions: * Firstly,all interfaces are shared. This gives ReactOS project an unbeatable level of compatibility and legal freedom too (interfaces can not be copyrighted). * Secondly,the great thing is that TinyKRNL will provide the most complete documentation of the most recent and technically advanced version of a released NT-famility operating system – Windows 2003 SP1. ReactOS developers can use this documentation for reference when creating a clean implementation of functions or improving already developed code. * Thirdly,any code in TinyKRNL which respects the ReactOS policies regarding development can directly be added into ReactOS,as well as any build tools or 3rd-party files. For more detailed information regarding TinyKRNL project,please look at We also encourage you to signup on the TinyKRNL . We also encourage you to signup on the TinyKRNL development Mailing List by sending a blank email to as well as joining the #tinykrnl channel on the same IRC server as #reactos; many of the ReactOS developers and users are usually present and discuss interesting and challenging kernel issues as well as general off-topic chat.

