React Flux APP验证

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了React Flux APP验证前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

Let’s face it. React is the new cool kid on the block. Everybody is working on creating React components because it entails understanding just 2 basic concepts:

A component is just a function
Single-direction data flow
However,once you start creating a bigger app,you realize that just using React isn’t enough. So you start looking at Flux,which is the architecture Facebook uses to create React apps.

As we learned in a prevIoUs blog post,learning how to conduct authentication in a Single Page App can get super complex. We had to learn about tokens,JWTs and how to integrate them with SPAs. Learning how to do it with Flux is even harder! That’s why in this blogpost we’ll learn how to add authentication to a React Flux app.


Before we start

We’ll be coding our React app using ES6 thanks to Browserify and Babelify,and we’ll be using npm for build tools and installing dependencies. If you want to start a project with the same architecture,just clone this seed project.

Let’s code!

Login page


Login Component

First,let’s create our Login component. Its main function is rendering an input for the username and password and calling the AuthService when the user clicks on the login button.

// ... imports
export default class Login extends React.Component {

constructor() {

this.state = {
  user: ‘’,password: ‘’


// This will be called when the user clicks on the login button
login(e) {

// Here,we call an external AuthService. We’ll create it in the next step
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.log(“Error logging in”,err);


render() {

return (
    <form role=“form”>
    <div className=“form-group”>
      <input type=“text” valueLink={this.linkState(‘user’)}placeholder=“Username” />
      <input type=“password” valueLink={this.linkState(‘password’)} placeholder=“Password” />
    <button type=“submit” onClick={this.login.bind(this)}>Submit</button>


// We’re using the mixin LinkStateMixin to have two-way databinding between our component and the HTML.

Authseervice and login action

Our AuthService is in charge of calling our login API. The server will validate the username and password and return a token (JWT) back to our app. Once we get it,we’ll create a LoginAction and send it to all the Stores using the Dispatcher from Flux.

// AuthService.js
// ... imports
class AuthService {

login(username,password) {

// We call the server to log the user in.
return when(request({
  url: ‘http://localhost:3001/sessions/create',method: ‘POST’,crossOrigin: true,type: ‘json’,data: {
.then(function(response) {
    // We get a JWT back.
    let jwt = response.id_token;
    // We trigger the LoginAction with that JWT.
    return true;


export default new AuthService()
// LoginAction.js
// ... imports
export default {
loginUser: (jwt) => {

// Go to the Home page once the user is logged in
// We save the JWT in localStorage to keep the user authenticated. We’ll learn more about this later.
// Send the action to all stores through the Dispatcher
  actionType: LOGIN_USER,jwt: jwt

You can take a look at the router configuration on Github,but it’s important to note that once the LoginAction is triggered,the user is successfully authenticated. Therefore,we need to redirect him or her from the Login page to the Home. That’s why we’re adding the URL transition in here.


Dispatcher and LoginStore

The LoginStore,like any other store,has 2 functions:

It holds the data it gets from the actions. In our case,that data will be used by all components that need to display the user information.
It inherits from EventEmmiter. It’ll emit a change event every time its data changes so that Components can be rendered again.
// ... imports
class LoginStore extends BaseStore {

constructor() {

// First we register to the Dispatcher to listen for actions.
this.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register(this._registerToActions.bind(this));
this._user = null;
this._jwt = null;


_registerToActions(action) {

switch(action.actionType) {
    // We get the JWT from the action and save it locally.
    this._jwt = action.jwt;
    // Then we decode it to get the user information.
    this._user = jwt_decode(this._jwt);
    // And we emit a change to all components that are listening.
    // This method is implemented in the `BaseStore`.


// Just getters for the properties it got from the action.
get user() {

return this._user;


get jwt() {

return this._jwt;


isLoggedIn() {

return !!this._user;

export default new LoginStore();
You can take a look at the BaseStore in Github. It includes some utility methods that all stores will have.
Displaying the user information



Now,we can start creating components that require authentication. For that,we’ll create a wrapper (or decorator) component called AuthenticatedComponent. It’ll make sure the user is authenticated before displaying its content. If the user isn’t authenticated,it’ll redirect him or her to the Login page. Otherwise,it’ll send the user information to the component it’s wrapping:

// ... imports
export default (ComposedComponent) => {
return class AuthenticatedComponent extends React.Component {

static willTransitionTo(transition) {
  // This method is called before transitioning to this component. If the user is not logged in,we’ll send him or her to the Login page.
  if (!LoginStore.isLoggedIn()) {

constructor() {
  this.state = this._getLoginState();

_getLoginState() {
  return {
    userLoggedIn: LoginStore.isLoggedIn(),user: LoginStore.user,jwt: LoginStore.jwt

// Here,we’re subscribing to changes in the LoginStore we created before. Remember that the LoginStore is an EventEmmiter.
componentDidMount() {

// After any change,we update the component’s state so that it’s rendered again.
_onChange() {

componentWillUnmount() {

render() {
  return (
    userLoggedIn={this.state.userLoggedIn} />

An interesting pattern is used here. First,take a look at what we’re exporting. We’re exporting a function that receives a Component as a parameter and then returns a new Component that wraps the one that was sent as an argument. Next,take a look at the render method. There,we’re rendering the Component we received as a parameter. Besides the props it should receive,we’re also sending it all the user information so it can use those properties. Now,let’s create the Home component which will be wrapped by the AuthenticatedComponent we’ve just created.



The Home will display user information. As it’s wrapped by the AuthenticatedComponent,we can be sure of 2 things:

Once the render method is called on the Home component,we know the user is authenticated. Otherwise,the app would have redirected him to the Login page.
We know we’ll have the user information under props because we’ve received them from the AuthenticatedComponent
// ... imports
// We’re wrapping the home with the AuthenticatedComponent
export default AuthenticatedComponent(class Home extends React.Component {
render() {

// Here,we display the user information
return (<h1>Hello {this.props.user.username}</h1>);

Let’s call an API!

Now,you should be able to call an API. In order to call an API that requires authentication,you must send the JWT we received on Login in the Authorization header. Any AuthenticatedComponent has access to this JWT so you can do something as follows:

// Home.jsx
// It must be on an AuthenticatedComponent
callApi() {

method: ‘GET’,headers: {
  Authorization: ‘Bearer ‘ + this.props.jwt

Keeping the user authenticated

Now that the user is authenticated,we want to keep him or her authenticated instead of showing the login page every time he refreshes the website. Due to the fact we’re saving the JWT on localStorage after a successful authentication,we can manually trigger the LoginAction and everything will work. That’s the beauty of using Flux.

// app.jsx ==> Bootstrap file
let jwt = localStorage.getItem(‘jwt’);
if (jwt) {
Aside: Using React with Auth0

Auth0 issues JSON Web Tokens on every login for your users. That means that you can have a solid identity infrastructure,including Single Sign On,User Management,support for Social (Facebook,Github,Twitter,etc.),Enterprise (Active Directory,LDAP,SAML,etc.) and your own database of users with just a few lines of code. We implemented a tight integration with React. You can read the documentation here or you can checkout the Github example

Closing remarks

We’ve finished implementing the Login for a React Flux app. If you want to know how to implement a signup or if you want to see the full example at work,you can grab the code from Github.

Happy Hacking! :).

