在低版本的react中,npm调用react addon时,用
var React = require("react/addons");
Warning: require('react/addons') is deprecated. Access using require('react-addons-{addon}') instead
Add-onsEdit on GitHub
The React add-ons are a collection of useful utility modules for building React apps.These should be considered experimentaland tend to change more often than the core.
,for dealing with animations and transitions that are usually not simple to implement,such as before a component's removal.- LinkedStateMixin,to simplify the coordination between user's form input data and the component's state.
- cloneWithProps,to make shallow copies of React components and change their props.
- createFragment,to create a set of externally-keyed children.
- @L_301_5@,a helper function that makes dealing with immutable data in JavaScript easier.
- PureRenderMixin,a performance booster under certain situations.
- shallowCompare,a helper function that performs a shallow comparison for props and state in a component to decide if a component should update.
The add-ons below are in the development (unminified) version of React only:
- TestUtils,simple helpers for writing test cases (unminified build only).
- Perf,for measuring performance and giving you hint where to optimize.
To get the add-ons,install them individually from npm (e.g.,npm install react-addons-pure-render-mixin
). We don't support using the addons if you're not using npm.
如我想引入动画插件 则写成
npm install react-addons-css-transition-group
var React = require("react"); var CSSTransitionGroup = require('react-addons-css-transition-group')
这样就不会再报警告了 而且react高版本会彻底废弃react/addons写法 请尽早更改为单独调用形式