import React,{Component,propTypes} from 'react'; import {WebView,View,Text} from "react-native"; const BODY_TAG_PATTERN = /\<\/ *body\>/; // Do not add any comments to this! It will break because all line breaks will removed for // some weird reason when this script is injected. var script = ` ;(function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.id = "height-wrapper"; while (document.body.firstChild) { wrapper.appendChild(document.body.firstChild); } document.body.appendChild(wrapper); var i = 0; function updateHeight() { document.title = wrapper.clientHeight; window.location.hash = ++i; } updateHeight(); window.addEventListener("load",function() { updateHeight(); setTimeout(updateHeight,1000); }); window.addEventListener("resize",updateHeight); }()); `; const style = ` <style> body,html,#height-wrapper { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #height-wrapper { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } </style> <script> ${script} </script> `; const codeInject = (html) => html.replace(BODY_TAG_PATTERN,style + "</body>"); /** * Wrapped Webview which automatically sets the height according to the * content. Scrolling is always disabled. required when the Webview is embedded * into a ScrollView with other components. * * Inspired by this SO answer http://stackoverflow.com/a/33012545 * */ var WebViewAutoHeight = React.createClass({ propTypes: { source: React.PropTypes.object.isrequired,injectedJavaScript: React.PropTypes.string,minHeight: React.PropTypes.number,onNavigationStateChange: React.PropTypes.func,style: WebView.propTypes.style,},getDefaultProps() { return {minHeight: 100}; },getInitialState() { return { realContentHeight: this.props.minHeight,}; },handleNavigationChange(navState) { if (navState.title) { const realContentHeight = parseInt(navState.title,10) || 0; // turn NaN to 0 this.setState({realContentHeight}); } if (typeof this.props.onNavigationStateChange === "function") { this.props.onNavigationStateChange(navState); } },render() { const {source,style,minHeight,...otherProps} = this.props; const html = source.html; if (!html) { throw new Error("WebViewAutoHeight supports only source.html"); } if (!BODY_TAG_PATTERN.test(html)) { throw new Error("Cannot find </body> from: " + html); } return ( <View> <WebView {...otherProps} source={{html: codeInject(html)}} scrollEnabled={false} style={[style,{height: Math.max(this.state.realContentHeight,minHeight)}]} javaScriptEnabled onNavigationStateChange={this.handleNavigationChange} /> {/*process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && <Text>Web content height: {this.state.realContentHeight}</Text>*/} </View> ); },}); export default WebViewAutoHeight;