dva 是基于现有应用架构 (redux + react-router + redux-saga 等)的一层轻量封装,没有引入任何新概念,全部代码不到 100 行。( Inspired by elm and choo. )
dva 是 framework,不是 library,类似 emberjs,会很明确地告诉你每个部件应该怎么写,这对于团队而言,会更可控。另外,除了 react 和 react-dom 是 peerDependencies 以外,dva 封装了所有其他依赖。
import dva,{ connect } from 'dva'; // 1. Create app const app = dva(); // 2. Add plugins (optionally) app.use(plugin); // 3. Register models app.model(model); // 4. Connect components and models const App = connect(mapStateToProps)(Component); // 5. Config router with Components app.router(routes); // 6. Start app app.start('#root');
1. app = dva(opts)
新建一个dva app,你可以配置history和initialState选项。
opts.history: the history for router,default: hashHistory
opts.initialState: initialState of the app,default: {}
import { browserHistory } from 'dva/router'; const app = dva({ history: browserHistory,});
2. app.use(hooks)
- onError(fn): called when an effect or subscription emit an error
- onAction(array|fn): called when an action is dispatched,used for registering redux middleware,support Arrayfor convenience
- onStateChange(fn): called after a reducer changes the state
- onReducer(fn): used for apply reducer enhancer
- onEffect(fn): used for wrapping effect to add custom behavior,e.g.dva-loadingfor automatical loading state
- onHmr(fn): used for hot module replacement
- extraReducers(object): used for adding extra reducers,e.g.redux-formneeds extra form reducer
3. app.model(obj)
- namespace:model的名称空间
- state:初始state
- reducers:同步的修改状态的操作,由actions触发
(state,action) => state
- effects:异步的操作,并不直接修改state,由actions触发,也可以调用actions。
(action,{ put,call,select })
- subscriptions:异步的只读操作,并不直接修改state,可以调用actions。
({ dispatch,history })
yield put({ type: actionType,payload: attachedData,error: errorIfHave}); dispatch({ type: actionType,error: errorIfHave});
const result = yield call(api.fetch,{ page: 1 });
const count = yield select(state => state.count);
4. app.router(({ history }) => routes)
import { Router,Route } from 'dva/routes'; app.router(({ history } => ({ <Router history={ history }> <Route path="/" component={App} /> </Router> });