var moveEvent = new CustomEvent('the-graph-group-move',{ detail: { nodes: this.props.nodes,x: deltaX,y: deltaY },bubbles: true }); this.getDOMNode().dispatchEvent(moveEvent);
componentDidMount: function () { this.getDOMNode().addEventListener("the-graph-group-move",this.moveGroup); },
The React way would be to pass callbacks down to children explicitly via props — . There’s no support for custom events w/ bubbling in React.
Programming interactive systems by means of the observer pattern is hard and error-prone yet is still the implementation standard in many production environments. We present an approach to gradually deprecate observers in favor of reactive programming abstractions. Several library layers help programmers to smoothly migrate existing code from callbacks to a more declarative programming model.
> Deprecating the Observer Pattern
> Command Pattern: Command History
> Component Interop with React and Custom Elements
> Building Redux in TypeScript
> How is Mithril Different from Other Frameworks – Mithril