快来Star,在这里哦Awesome UIKit。
@H_404_2@ReactReact based component library.
- UIW - A high quality UI Toolkit,A Component Library for React.
- ANT DESIGN - A UI Design Language.
- Office UI Fabric - The official front-end framework for building experiences that fit seamlessly into Office and Office 365.
- Amaze UI React - Amaze UI components built with React.js.
- Blueprint - Blueprint is a React-based UI toolkit for the web.
- Element React - A collection of essential UI components written with React.
- Zent - A collection of essential UI components written with React.
- React-WeUI - A collection of essential UI components written with React.
- Ring UI - A collection of JetBrains Web UI components.
- React UI - React Components,base on bootstrap 4.0.
- React-Bootstrap - The most popular front-end framework,rebuilt for React.
- Material-UI - React components that implement Google's Material Design.
- Belle - Configurable React Components with great UX.
- Rebass - Functional React UI component library,built with styled-components .
- UXCore - A React UI Component Suites living for enterprise application.
- Blue - A React UI Component Suites living for enterprise application.
- Pivotal UI - Pivotal UI is a collection of React components that are styled for the Pivotal brand.
- Semantic UI - The official Semantic-UI-React integration.
- Foundation - Foundation as React components.
Vue based component library.
- iView - A high quality UI Toolkit based on Vue.js
- Element - A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- Vant - A Vue.js 2.0 Mobile UI at YouZan
- Antue - A set of enterprise-class Vue UI components.
- Vuikit - UIkit with all the power of Vue.
- Enterprise UI - Enterprise UI for Vue.js.
- cube-ui - A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue.js.
- HeyUI - UI Toolkit for Web,Vue2.0
- amaze-vue - UI Toolkit for Web,Vue2.0
Angular based component library.
- Material - Material Design components for Angular
- ng-alain - ng-zorro-antd admin panel front-end framework.
- ngOfficeUIFabric - A community-driven project that simplifies implementing Fabric in Angular-based apps
- NG-ZORRO - Ant Design of Angular
- Bootstrap - Create beautiful apps with modular and customizable UI components.
- Material - Create beautiful apps with modular and customizable UI components.
- SUI - A framework based on the development of Framework7 UI library.
- weui - tailor-made for WeChat web service.
- Pure.css - A set of small,responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
- Bulma - is a free and open source CSS framework based on FlexBox.
- DXY-UI - DXY-UI是一套适用于桌面端的前端UI库,不包含任何JS,仅仅关注样式。
- Layui - 一款采用自身模块规范编写的情怀型前端UI框架.
- ZUI - 一个基于 Bootstrap 深度定制开源前端实践方案,帮助你快速构建现代跨屏应用。.
- SuperUI - 让体验变得如此完美,开发变得如此简单。
- MDUI - 一套用于开发 Material Design 网页的前端框架。
- AUI - 移动端UI快速布局解决方案,一个靠谱的高性能移动前端框架。
- ant-design-pro An out-of-Box UI solution for enterprise applications.
- gentelella Free Bootstrap 3 Admin Template.
- ngx-admin Admin dashboard template based on Angular 4+,Bootstrap 4.
- blur-admin Angular Bootstrap Admin Panel Framework.
- vue-element-admin vue2.0 admin / a management system template.
- vue-admin Vue Admin Panel Framework,Powered by Vue 2.0 and Bulma 0.3.
- AdminLTE AdminLTE - Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme Based On Bootstrap 3.x.
- Free Bootstrap Admin Template CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template with Angular2,AngularJS,React.js & Vue.js support.
- startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 A free,open source,Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap.
- rdash-angular AngularJS implementation of the RDash admin dashboard theme.
- ng-admin Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API.
- iview-admin Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView.
- antd-admin A admin dashboard application demo built upon Ant Design and Dva.js.
- admin-on-rest A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services,using React and Material Design.
- vue-admin admin template based on vuejs2 and element.
- vuestic-admin Vue.js admin dashboard
- Bootstrap-Admin-Template Metis - Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template.
- ace Metis - Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template.
- flakes Flakes is an Admin Template Framework. A combination of CSS Libraries,JavaScript Libraries and Design files that help you build business tools very quickly.
- CoPilot Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js.
- Bootstrap-Admin-Theme A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap free for both personal and commercial use.
- lumber The Admin Interface Framework.
- modular-admin-html The Admin Interface Framework.
- react-admin react-admin system solution.
- angular-material-dashboard Angular admin dashboard with material design.
- vue-framework-wz This project is a background management framework,integrated rights management,login function,industrial UI components,node-cli and other functions,it is recommended to use.
- dva-admin dva admin antd dashboard .
- react-antd-admin 用React和Ant Design搭建的一个通用管理后台.
- react-antd 基于react + redux + immutable + less + ES6/7 + webpack2.0 + fetch + react-router + antd(1.x)实现的SPA后台管理系统模板.
- react-material-admin-template A simple responsive admin template using react and material-ui.