<dependency> <groupId>io.projectreactor.ipc</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-netty</artifactId> <version>0.7.3.RELEASE</version> </dependency>
HttpClient client = HttpClient.create(); Mono<HttpClientResponse> mono = client.get("http://baidu.com"); //NOTE reactor.ipc.netty.http.client.MonoHttpClientResponse LOGGER.info("mono resp:{}",mono.getClass()); mono.subscribe();
/** * Use the passed HTTP method to send to the given URL. When connection has been made,* the passed handler is invoked and can be used to tune the request and * write data to it. * * @param method the HTTP method to send * @param url the target remote URL * @param handler the {@link Function} to invoke on opened TCP connection * @return a {@link Mono} of the {@link HttpServerResponse} ready to consume for * response */ public Mono<HttpClientResponse> request(HttpMethod method,String url,Function<? super HttpClientRequest,? extends Publisher<Void>> handler) { if (method == null || url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method && url cannot be both null"); } return new MonoHttpClientResponse(this,url,method,handler(handler,options)); }
/** * Subscribe to this {@link Mono} and request unbounded demand. * <p> * This version doesn't specify any consumption behavior for the events from the * chain,especially no error handling,so other variants should usually be preferred. * * <p> * <img width="500" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reactor/reactor-core/v3.1.3.RELEASE/src/docs/marble/unbounded1.png" alt=""> * <p> * * @return a new {@link Disposable} that can be used to cancel the underlying {@link Subscription} */ public final Disposable subscribe() { if(this instanceof MonoProcessor){ MonoProcessor<T> s = (MonoProcessor<T>)this; s.connect(); return s; } else{ return subscribeWith(new LambdaMonoSubscriber<>(null,null,null)); } }
这里调用了subscribeWith,创建了一个LambdaMonoSubscriber @H_403_25@/** * Subscribe the given {@link Subscriber} to this {@link Mono} and return said * {@link Subscriber} (eg. a {@link MonoProcessor}). * * @param subscriber the {@link Subscriber} to subscribe with * @param <E> the reified type of the {@link Subscriber} for chaining * * @return the passed {@link Subscriber} after subscribing it to this {@link Mono} */ public final <E extends Subscriber<? super T>> E subscribeWith(E subscriber) { subscribe(subscriber); return subscriber; } public final void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> actual) { onLastAssembly(this).subscribe(Operators.toCoreSubscriber(actual)); }这个onLastAssembly(this).subscribe调用的是子类的方法 @H_403_25@MonoHttpClientResponse.subscribe
public void subscribe(final CoreSubscriber<? super HttpClientResponse> subscriber) { ReconnectableBridge bridge = new ReconnectableBridge(); bridge.activeURI = startURI; Mono.defer(() -> parent.client.newHandler(new HttpClientHandler(this,bridge),parent.options.getRemoteAddress(bridge.activeURI),HttpClientOptions.isSecure(bridge.activeURI),bridge)) .retry(bridge) .cast(HttpClientResponse.class) .subscribe(subscriber); }这里使用Mono.defer又对client.newHandler包装了下,defer的英文原意是Defers the creation of the actual Publisher the Subscriber will be subscribed to.
static final class ReconnectableBridge implements Predicate<Throwable>,Consumer<Channel> { volatile URI activeURI; volatile String[] redirectedFrom; ReconnectableBridge() { } void redirect(String to) { String[] redirectedFrom = this.redirectedFrom; URI from = activeURI; try { activeURI = new URI(to); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw Exceptions.propagate(e); } if (redirectedFrom == null) { this.redirectedFrom = new String[]{from.toString()}; } else { String[] newRedirectedFrom = new String[redirectedFrom.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(redirectedFrom,newRedirectedFrom,redirectedFrom.length); newRedirectedFrom[redirectedFrom.length] = from.toString(); this.redirectedFrom = newRedirectedFrom; } } @Override public void accept(Channel channel) { String[] redirectedFrom = this.redirectedFrom; if (redirectedFrom != null) { channel.attr(HttpClientOperations.REDIRECT_ATTR_KEY) .set(redirectedFrom); } } @Override public boolean test(Throwable throwable) { if (throwable instanceof RedirectClientException) { RedirectClientException re = (RedirectClientException) throwable; redirect(re.location); return true; } if (AbortedException.isConnectionReset(throwable)) { redirect(activeURI.toString()); return true; } return false; } }这里看好像是处理redirect的,并不是真正意义上的retry,比如retry多少次之类的 @H_403_25@MonoHttpClientResponse#HttpClientHandler
static final class HttpClientHandler implements BiFunction<NettyInbound,NettyOutbound,Publisher<Void>> { final MonoHttpClientResponse parent; final ReconnectableBridge bridge; HttpClientHandler(MonoHttpClientResponse parent,ReconnectableBridge bridge) { this.bridge = bridge; this.parent = parent; } @Override public Publisher<Void> apply(NettyInbound in,NettyOutbound out) { try { URI uri = bridge.activeURI; HttpClientOperations ch = (HttpClientOperations) in; String host = uri.getHost(); int port = uri.getPort(); if (port != -1 && port != 80 && port != 443) { host = host + ':' + port; } ch.getNettyRequest() .setUri(uri.getRawPath() + (uri.getQuery() == null ? "" : "?" + uri.getRawQuery())) .setMethod(parent.method) .setProtocolVersion(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) .headers() .add(HttpHeaderNames.HOST,host) .add(HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT,ALL); if (parent.method == HttpMethod.GET || parent.method == HttpMethod.HEAD || parent.method == HttpMethod.DELETE) { ch.chunkedTransfer(false); } if (parent.handler != null) { return parent.handler.apply(ch); } else { return ch.send(); } } catch (Throwable t) { return Mono.error(t); } } @Override public String toString() { return "HttpClientHandler{" + "startURI=" + bridge.activeURI + ",method=" + parent.method + ",handler=" + parent.handler + '}'; } }这里的handler可以看到netty的痕迹,最后是直接调用HttpClientOperations.send方法 @H_403_25@reactor-netty-0.7.3.RELEASE-sources.jar!/reactor/ipc/netty/http/client/HttpClientOperations.java
public Mono<Void> send() { if (markSentHeaderAndBody()) { HttpMessage request = newFullEmptyBodyMessage(); return FutureMono.deferFuture(() -> channel().writeAndFlush(request)); } else { return Mono.empty(); } }最后调用netty的channel().writeAndFlush(request)将请求发送出去 @H_403_25@小结