class MyStartingComponent extends React.Component { constructor(){ super(); this.state = {firstLaunch: null}; } componentDidMount(){ AsyncStorage.getItem("alreadyLaunched").then(value => { if(value == null){ AsyncStorage.setItem('alreadyLaunched',true); // No need to wait for `setItem` to finish,although you might want to handle errors this.setState({firstLaunch: true}); } else{ this.setState({firstLaunch: false}); }}) // Add some error handling,also you can simply do this.setState({fistLaunch: value == null}) } render(){ if(this.state.firstLaunch === null){ return null; // This is the 'tricky' part: The query to AsyncStorage is not finished,but we have to present something to the user. Null will just render nothing,so you can also put a placeholder of some sort,but effectively the interval between the first mount and AsyncStorage retrieving your data won't be noticeable to the user. }else if(this.state.firstLaunch == true){ return <FirstLaunchComponent/> }else{ return <NotFirstLaunchComponent/> } }