* 检测用户的终端设备
* @param
* @arrange (512.笔记) jb51.cc
function userAgent($ua){
## This credit must stay intact (Unless you have a deal with @lukasmig or frimerlukas@gmail.com
## Made by Lukas Frimer Tholander from Made In Osted Webdesign.
## Price will be $2
$iphone = strstr(strtolower($ua),'mobile'); //Search for 'mobile' in user-agent (iPhone have that)
$android = strstr(strtolower($ua),'android'); //Search for 'android' in user-agent
$windowsPhone = strstr(strtolower($ua),'phone'); //Search for 'phone' in user-agent (Windows Phone uses that)
function androidTablet($ua){ //Find out if it is a tablet
if(strstr(strtolower($ua),'android') ){//Search for android in user-agent
if(!strstr(strtolower($ua),'mobile')){ //If there is no ''mobile' in user-agent (Android have that on their phones,but not tablets)
return true;
$androidTablet = androidTablet($ua); //Do androidTablet function
$ipad = strstr(strtolower($ua),'ipad'); //Search for iPad in user-agent
if($androidTablet || $ipad){ //If it's a tablet (iPad / Android)
return 'tablet';
elseif($iphone && !$ipad || $android && !$androidTablet || $windowsPhone){ //If it's a phone and NOT a tablet
return 'mobile';
else{ //If it's not a mobile device
return 'desktop';
/*** 来自编程之家 jb51.cc(jb51.cc) ***/