* xapian按照数字范围进行检索的PHP范例代码
* @param
* @arrange 512-笔记网: jb51.cc
if (PHP_sapi_name() != "cli") {
print "This example script is written to run under the command line ('cli') version of\n";
print "the PHP interpreter,but you're using the '".PHP_sapi_name()."' version\n";
include "xapian.PHP";
if ($argc != 2) {
print "Usage: {$argv[0]} PATH_TO_DATABASE\n";
try {
// Open the database for update,creating a new database if necessary.
$database = new XapianWritableDatabase($argv[1],Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
// add a document with a term and a timestamp value
$doc = new XapianDocument();
// add another: same term,different timestamp value
$doc = new XapianDocument();
// Set the database handle to Null to ensure that it gets closed
// down cleanly or unflushed changes may be lost.
$database = Null;
// open database for reading
$database = new XapianDatabase($argv[1]);
$enquire = new XapianEnquire($database);
// example 1 using a query processor
$qp = new XapianQueryParser();
$datenumproc = new XapianNumberValueRangeProcessor(1);
// without range: get both docs
$query = $qp->parse_query("foo");
print $enquire->get_mset(0,10)->size();
print "\n";
// with range: get first doc
$query = $qp->parse_query("foo 1000000000..1500000000");
print $enquire->get_mset(0,10)->size();
print "\n";
// example 2 - direct query construction (get first doc)
$query = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_VALUE_RANGE,1,Xapian::sortable_serialise(1000000000),Xapian::sortable_serialise(1500000000));
print $enquire->get_mset(0,10)->size();
print "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
/*** 来自编程之家 jb51.cc(jb51.cc) ***/