这段代码实现PHP数组转换为苹果plist XML或文本格式
* PropertyList class
* Implements writing Apple Property List (.plist) XML and text files from an array.
* @author Jesus A. Alvarez
function plist_encode_text ($obj) {
$plist = new PropertyList($obj);
return $plist->text();
function plist_encode_xml ($obj) {
$plist = new PropertyList($obj);
return $plist->xml();
class PropertyList
private $obj,$xml,$text;
public function __construct ($obj) {
$this->obj = $obj;
private static function is_assoc ($array) {
return (is_array($array) && 0 !== count(array_diff_key($array,array_keys(array_keys($array)))));
public function xml () {
if (isset($this->xml)) return $this->xml;
$x = new XMLWriter();
$x->writeDTD('plist','-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN','http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd');
$x->endElement(); // plist
$this->xml = $x->outputMemory();
return $this->xml;
public function text() {
if (isset($this->text)) return $this->text;
$text = '';
$this->text = $text;
return $this->text;
private function xmlWriteDict(XMLWriter $x,&$dict) {
foreach($dict as $k => &$v) {
$x->endElement(); // dict
private function xmlWriteArray(XMLWriter $x,&$arr) {
foreach($arr as &$v)
$x->endElement(); // array
private function xmlWriteValue(XMLWriter $x,&$v) {
if (is_int($v) || is_long($v))
elseif (is_float($v) || is_real($v) || is_double($v))
elseif (is_string($v))
elseif (is_bool($v))
elseif (PropertyList::is_assoc($v))
elseif (is_array($v))
elseif (is_a($v,'PlistData'))
elseif (is_a($v,'PlistDate'))
else {
trigger_error("Unsupported data type in plist ($v)",E_USER_WARNING);
private function textWriteValue(&$text,&$v,$indentLevel = 0) {
if (is_int($v) || is_long($v))
$text .= sprintf("%d",$v);
elseif (is_float($v) || is_real($v) || is_double($v))
$text .= sprintf("%g",$v);
elseif (is_string($v))
elseif (is_bool($v))
$text .= $v?'YES':'NO';
elseif (PropertyList::is_assoc($v))
elseif (is_array($v))
elseif (is_a($v,'PlistData'))
$text .= '<' . $v->hexEncodedData() . '>';
elseif (is_a($v,'PlistDate'))
$text .= '"' . $v->ISO8601Date() . '"';
else {
trigger_error("Unsupported data type in plist ($v)",E_USER_WARNING);
private function textWriteString(&$text,&$str) {
$oldlocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE,"0");
if (ctype_alnum($str)) $text .= $str;
else $text .= '"' . $this->textEncodeString($str) . '"';
private function textEncodeString(&$str) {
$newstr = '';
$i = 0;
$len = strlen($str);
while($i < $len) {
$ch = ord(substr($str,$i,1));
if ($ch == 0x22 || $ch == 0x5C) {
// escape double quote,backslash
$newstr .= '\\' . chr($ch);
} else if ($ch >= 0x07 && $ch <= 0x0D ){
// control characters with escape sequences
$newstr .= '\\' . substr('abtnvfr',$ch - 7,1);
} else if ($ch < 32) {
// other non-printable characters escaped as unicode
$newstr .= sprintf('\U%04x',$ch);
} else if ($ch < 128) {
// ascii printable
$newstr .= chr($ch);
} else if ($ch == 192 || $ch == 193) {
// invalid encoding of ASCII characters
} else if (($ch & 0xC0) == 0x80){
// part of a lost multibyte sequence,skip
} else if (($ch & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
// U+0080 - U+07FF (2 bytes)
$u = (($ch & 0x1F) << 6) | (ord(substr($str,$i+1,1)) & 0x3F);
$newstr .= sprintf('\U%04x',$u);
$i += 2;
} else if (($ch & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
// U+0800 - U+FFFF (3 bytes)
$u = (($ch & 0x0F) << 12) | ((ord(substr($str,1)) & 0x3F) << 6) | (ord(substr($str,$i+2,$u);
$i += 3;
} else if (($ch & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
// U+10000 - U+3FFFF (4 bytes)
$u = (($ch & 0x07) << 18) | ((ord(substr($str,1)) & 0x3F) << 12) | ((ord(substr($str,$i+3,$u);
$i += 4;
} else {
// 5 and 6 byte sequences are not valid UTF-8
return $newstr;
private function textWriteDict(&$text,&$dict,$indentLevel) {
if (count($dict) == 0) {
$text .= '{}';
$text .= "{\n";
$indent = '';
while(strlen($indent) < $indentLevel) $indent .= "\t";
foreach($dict as $k => &$v) {
$text .= $indent;
$text .= ' = ';
$text .= ";\n";
$text .= substr($indent,-1) . '}';
private function textWriteArray(&$text,&$arr,$indentLevel) {
if (count($arr) == 0) {
$text .= '()';
$text .= "(\n";
$indent = '';
while(strlen($indent) < $indentLevel) $indent .= "\t";
foreach($arr as &$v) {
$text .= $indent;
$text .= ",\n";
$text .= substr($indent,-1) . ')';
class PlistData
private $data;
public function __construct($str) {
$this->data = $str;
public function base64EncodedData () {
return base64_encode($this->data);
public function hexEncodedData () {
$len = strlen($this->data);
$hexstr = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 4)
$hexstr .= bin2hex(substr($this->data,4)) . ' ';
return substr($hexstr,-1);
class PlistDate
private $dateval;
public function __construct($init = NULL) {
if (is_int($init))
$this->dateval = $init;
elseif (is_string($init))
$this->dateval = strtotime($init);
elseif ($init == NULL)
$this->dateval = time();
public function ISO8601Date() {
return gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z',$this->dateval);