




PHP;"> SplEnum extends SplType { /* Constants */ const NULL __default = null ; /* 方法 */ public array getConstList ([ bool $include_default = false ] ) /* 继承的方法 */ SplType::__construct ([ mixed $initial_value [,bool $strict ]] ) }


PHP;"> getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } ?>


PHP;"> 6 Value not a const in enum Month


PHP;"> PHP /** * Abstract class that enables creation of PHP enums. All you * have to do is extend this class and define some constants. * Enum is an object with value from on of those constants * (or from on of superclass if any). There is also * __default constat that enables you creation of object * without passing enum value. * * @author Marijan Šuflaj self::__default )) : self::$constants[__CLASS_]; } /** * Creates new enum object. If child class overrides __construct(),* it is required to call parent::__construct() in order for this * class to work as expected. * * @param mixed $initialValue Any value that is exists in defined constants * @param bool $strict If set to true,type and value must be equal * @throws UnexpectedValueException If value is not valid enum value */ public function __construct($initialValue = null,$strict = true) { $class = get_class($this); if (!array_key_exists($class,self::$constants)) { self::populateConstants(); } if ($initialValue === null) { $initialValue = self::$constants[$class]["__default"]; } $temp = self::$constants[$class]; if (!in_array($initialValue,$temp,$strict)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException("Value is not in enum " . $class); } $this->value = $initialValue; $this->strict = $strict; } private function populateConstants() { $class = get_class($this); $r = new ReflectionClass($class); $constants = $r->getConstants(); self::$constants = array( $class => $constants ); } /** * Returns string representation of an enum. Defaults to * value casted to string. * * @return string String representation of this enum's value */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->value; } /** * Checks if two enums are equal. Only value is checked,not class type also. * If enum was created with $strict = true,then strict comparison applies * here also. * * @return bool True if enums are equal */ public function equals($object) { if (!($object instanceof Enum)) { return false; } return $this->strict ? ($this->value === $object->value) : ($this->value == $object->value); } }


getMessage()); }


string(2) "Hi" ["strict":"Enum":private]=> bool(true) } object(MyEnum)#1 (2) { ["value":"Enum":private]=> string(2) "By" ["strict":"Enum":private]=> bool(true) } object(MyEnum)#1 (2) { ["value":"Enum":private]=> string(2) "By" ["strict":"Enum":private]=> bool(true) } string(27) "Value is not in enum MyEnum"


