原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/php/140094.htmlDROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `slugify`; DELIMITER ;; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `slugify`(dirty_string varchar(200)) RETURNS varchar(200) CHARSET latin1 DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE x,y,z Int; Declare temp_string,new_string VarChar(200); Declare is_allowed Bool; Declare c,check_char VarChar(1); set temp_string = LOWER(dirty_string); Set temp_string = replace(temp_string,'&',' and '); Select temp_string Regexp('[^a-z0-9\-]+') into x; If x = 1 then set z = 1; While z <= Char_length(temp_string) Do Set c = Substring(temp_string,z,1); Set is_allowed = False; If !((ascii(c) = 45) or (ascii(c) >= 48 and ascii(c) <= 57) or (ascii(c) >= 97 and ascii(c) <= 122)) Then Set temp_string = Replace(temp_string,c,'-'); End If; set z = z + 1; End While; End If; Select temp_string Regexp("^-|-$|'") into x; If x = 1 Then Set temp_string = Replace(temp_string,"'",''); Set z = Char_length(temp_string); Set y = Char_length(temp_string); Dash_check: While z > 1 Do If Strcmp(SubString(temp_string,-1,1),'-') = 0 Then Set temp_string = Substring(temp_string,1,y-1); Set y = y - 1; Else Leave Dash_check; End If; Set z = z - 1; End While; End If; Repeat Select temp_string Regexp("--") into x; If x = 1 Then Set temp_string = Replace(temp_string,"--","-"); End If; Until x <> 1 End Repeat; If LOCATE('-',temp_string) = 1 Then Set temp_string = SUBSTRING(temp_string,2); End If; Return temp_string; END;; DELIMITER ;