build/ - build files for phing and environment-specific properties files build.xml src_qa.properties - properties to use the qa server as the source for a deployment dst_qa.properties - properties to use the qa server as the destination for a deployment etc... for other environments conf/ - contains environment specific configuration files,each in a subfolder named after the environment dev/ db-config.PHP - config file for HyperDB - http://codex.wordpress.org/HyperDB default - Apache conf that holds ServerAlias configs for multi-site wordpress hosts - useful for developers to redirect their browser to varIoUs domains in different environments htaccess.dist - for WPMU httpd.conf - main Apache config file,specific to each environment my.cnf - MysqL config file wp-config.php - main wordpress config file qa (same as dev/ but with different values in each file) staging (same as dev/ but with different values in each file) prod (same as dev/ but with different values in each file) src/ - wordpress source code wp-admin/ wp-content/ mu-plugins/ plugins/ themes/ wp-includes/ test/ - holds WP test suite and custom tests for plugins,themes,etc...
我使用Hudson CI服务器(http://hudson-ci.org/)使用subversion checkout任务,phing和PHPunit等进行自动化和手动构建…基本上,Hudson服务器根据您要部署的内容从subversion提取代码,而rsync的要从CI服务器部署到目标服务器的文件.
或者,在从直接部署到生产的情况下,Hudson rsync的文件从升级到CI服务器,然后备份到生产中.
core WP code - deploys core WP files and mu-plugins from src to dst svn to qa svn to staging staging to prod WP plugins/ folder - deploys only the plugins folder svn to qa svn to staging staging to prod WP themes/ folder - deploys the entire themes folder svn to qa svn to staging svn to prod Specific themes - deploys a specific theme (chosen through a drop down during the build process using Hudson's parameterized build feature - http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Parameterized+Build) svn to qa svn to staging svn to prod
将来,当我们有一个开发集成环境时,我们可能会在任何代码的svn checkin上自动部署.
此设置允许组织中的不同开发人员使用不同的技能(主要是CSS / HTML与PHP)来分开工作,并将代码更改到正确的环境,而不会涉及一大堆不必要的人员.哈德森允许我锁定不同的部署作业,所以只有合适的人才能够配置它们并将其踢掉.