php – 实时通知UML类图

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了php – 实时通知UML类图前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在尝试实施一个实时通知系统(如fb,xing,twitter ..).因此,我在构建实体之前创建了一个UML类图.展示如下:

EDIT: I Thought about this approach and it seems as if this is not the right one. Let’s check the following scenarion: User U adds at Event E’s image I a comment C. How to store this correctly,I mean EventNotification only has a reference on the Event E,but not on I and C. Therefore I would need to create an “Event@L_502_0@Notification” class as well and this would be a mess. Would it be a nicer solution to just have one “Notification” class and add a “Metadata” field to it,which stores references to all involved fields?


[1]一个用户可以创建事件,例如“Silvester Party 2015”. (一对多).


[3]为了保持清洁,我创建了一个与Notification类型相关的AbstractNotification类.通知类型类似于name =“EventPost”,template =“用户用户已经在事件__event上发布了新的东西”.





