class Sum { private $value = 0; public function add($inc) { $this->value += $inc; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } }
class MyThread extends Thread { private $sum; public function __construct(Sum $sum) { $this->sum = $sum; } public function run(){ for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { $this->sum->add(5); echo $this->sum->getValue() . " "; } } }
$sum = new Sum(); $thread = new MyThread($sum); $thread->start(); $thread->join(); echo $sum->getValue();
更奇怪的是,它不是同步回到主线程失败但线程甚至似乎忘记了它的内部状态:run()方法内的回声输出不是预期的5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50但0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.没有人干扰线程 – 为什么它不保留其状态?
旁注:如果我没有启动线程而是直接在主线程中调用run() – 方法($thread-> run();),结果仍然相同.但是,如果我现在删除类声明中的extends Thread,它将完美地工作并返回预期的5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50.
<?PHP class Sum extends Stackable { private $value = 0; public function add($inc) { $this->value += $inc; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function run(){} } class MyThread extends Thread { public $sum; public function __construct(Sum $sum) { $this->sum = $sum; } public function run(){ for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { $this->sum->add(5); echo $this->sum->getValue() . " "; } } } $sum = new Sum(); $thread = new MyThread($sum); $thread->start(); $thread->join(); echo $sum->getValue(); ?>
<?PHP class MyThread extends Thread { public $sum; public function run(){ for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { $this->add(5); printf("%d ",$this->sum); } } public function add($num) { $this->sum += $num; } public function getValue() { return $this->sum; } } $thread = new MyThread(); $thread->start(); $thread->join(); var_dump($thread->getValue()); ?>
<?PHP class MyThread extends Thread { public $sum; public function __construct() { $this->sum = 0; } public function run(){ for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { $this->add(5); $this->writeOut("[%d]: %d\n",$i,$this->sum); } $this->synchronized(function($thread){ $thread->writeOut("Sending notification to Process from %s #%lu ...\n",__CLASS__,$thread->getThreadId()); $thread->notify(); },$this); } public function add($num) { $this->sum += $num; } public function getValue() { return $this->sum; } /* when two threads attempt to write standard output the output will be jumbled */ /* this is a good use of protecting a method so that only one context can write stdout and you can make sense of the output */ protected function writeOut($format,$args = null) { $args = func_get_args(); if ($args) { vprintf(array_shift($args),$args); } } } $thread = new MyThread(); $thread->start(); /* so this is synchronization,rather than joining,which requires an actual join of the underlying thread */ /* you can wait for notification that the thread is done what you started it to do */ /* in these simple tests the time difference may not be apparent,but in real complex objects from */ /* contexts populated with more than 1 object having executed many instructions the difference may become very real */ $thread->synchronized(function($thread){ if ($thread->getValue()!=50) { $thread->writeOut("Waiting for thread ...\n"); /* you should only ever wait _for_ something */ $thread->wait(); $thread->writeOut("Process recieved notification from Thread ...\n"); } },$thread); var_dump($thread->getValue()); ?>