<?PHP function getStuffs( $user='',$pass='' ) { // here we can check user and pass and do whatever (if it isn't alright,we can throw exception or return NULL or sg. similar) // ....... $stuff_array = array(); $stuff_array[] = array( 'id'=>122,'name'=>'One stuff'); $stuff_array[] = array( 'id'=>213,'name'=>'Another stuff'); $stuff_array[] = array( 'id'=>435,'name'=>'Whatever stuff'); $stuff_array[] = array( 'id'=>65,'name'=>'Cool Stuff'); $stuff_array[] = array( 'id'=>92,'name'=>'Wow,what a stuff'); return $stuff_array; } require_once 'nusoap/lib/nusoap.PHP'; $server = new soap_server; // $myNamespace = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']; $myNamespace = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $server->configureWSDL('MyStuffService','urn:' . $myNamespace); // $server->wsdl->schemaTargetNamespace = 'http://soapinterop.org/xsd/'; $server->wsdl->addComplexType( // name 'Stuffs',// typeClass (complexType|simpleType|attribute) 'complexType',// PHPType: currently supported are array and struct (PHP assoc array) 'struct',// compositor (all|sequence|choice) 'all',// restrictionBase namespace:name (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:Array) '',// elements = array ( name = array(name=>'',type=>'') ) array( 'id' => array( 'name' => 'id','type' => 'xsd:int' ),'name' => array( 'name' => 'name','type' => 'xsd:string' ) ) ); $server->wsdl->addComplexType( // name 'StuffsArray',// PHPType: currently supported are array and struct (PHP assoc array) 'array',// compositor (all|sequence|choice) '',// restrictionBase namespace:name (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:Array) 'SOAP-ENC:Array',type=>'') ) array(),// attrs array( array( 'ref' => 'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType' => 'tns:Stuffs[]' ) ),// arrayType: namespace:name (http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:string) 'tns:Stuffs' ); $server->register( // string $name the name of the PHP function,class.method or class..method 'getStuffs',// array $in assoc array of input values: key = param name,value = param type array( 'user' => 'xsd:string','pass' => 'xsd:string' ),// array $out assoc array of output values: key = param name,value = param type array( 'return' => 'tns:StuffsArray' ),// mixed $namespace the element namespace for the method or false 'urn:' . $myNamespace,// mixed $soapaction the soapaction for the method or false 'urn:' . $myNamespace . "#getStuffs",// mixed $style optional (rpc|document) or false Note: when 'document' is specified,parameter and return wrappers are created for you automatically 'rpc',// mixed $use optional (encoded|literal) or false 'encoded',// string $documentation optional Description to include in WSDL 'Fetch array of Stuffs ("id","name").' // documentation ); #$server->wsdl->schemaTargetNamespace = $myNamespace; $server->service(isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) ? $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA : ''); exit(); ?>
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace WebServiceTest { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { StuffService.MyStuffService myService = new StuffService.MyStuffService(); StuffService.Stuffs[] stuffs = myService.getStuffs("someone","1234"); foreach (var stuff in stuffs) { Console.WriteLine(stuff.id+".: "+stuff.name); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press a key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
class ResponSEObject { public $responseCode = 0; public $responseMessage = ''; public $stuffArray = NULL; } $responSEObject = NULL; function getStuffs( $user='',$pass='' ) { global $responSEObject; $responSEObject = new ResponSEObject(); // check stuffs in a simple way now if($user != 'someone' && $pass != '1234'){ $responSEObject->responseCode = 2; $responSEObject->responseMessage = 'Authentication Failed'; return $responSEObject; } $responSEObject->stuffArray = array(); $responSEObject->stuffArray[] = array( 'id'=>122,'name'=>'One stuff'); $responSEObject->stuffArray[] = array( 'id'=>213,'name'=>'Another stuff'); $responSEObject->stuffArray[] = array( 'id'=>435,'name'=>'Whatever stuff'); $responSEObject->stuffArray[] = array( 'id'=>65,'name'=>'Cool Stuff'); $responSEObject->stuffArray[] = array( 'id'=>92,what a stuff'); $responSEObject->responseCode = 1; $responSEObject->responseMessage = 'Successful!'; return $responSEObject; }