<?PHP include('db.PHP'); session_start(); $session_id = '1'; // User session id $path = "uploads/"; $valid_formats = array("jpg","png","gif","bmp","jpeg"); if (isset($_POST) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name']; $size = $_FILES['photoimg']['size']; if (strlen($name)) { list($txt,$ext) = explode(".",$name); if (in_array($ext,$valid_formats)) { if ($size < (1024 * 1024)) { // Image size max 1 MB $actual_image_name = time() . $session_id . "." . $ext; $tmp = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name']; if (move_uploaded_file($tmp,$path . $actual_image_name)) { MysqL_query("UPDATE users SET profile_image='$actual_image_name' WHERE uid='$session_id'"); echo "<img src='uploads/" . $actual_image_name . "' class='preview'>"; } else { echo "Failed"; } } else { echo "Image file size max 1 MB"; } } else { echo "Invalid file format.."; } } else { echo "Please select image..!"; } exit; } ?>
试试这段代码:originalImage是…原始图像的路径… outputImage足够自我解释.质量是从0到100的数字,设置输出jpg质量(0 – 最差,100 – 最好)
function convertImage($originalImage,$outputImage,$quality) { // jpg,png,gif or bmp? $exploded = explode('.',$originalImage); $ext = $exploded[count($exploded) - 1]; if (preg_match('/jpg|jpeg/i',$ext)) $imageTmp=imagecreatefromjpeg($originalImage); else if (preg_match('/png/i',$ext)) $imageTmp=imagecreatefrompng($originalImage); else if (preg_match('/gif/i',$ext)) $imageTmp=imagecreatefromgif($originalImage); else if (preg_match('/bmp/i',$ext)) $imageTmp=imagecreatefrombmp($originalImage); else return 0; // quality is a value from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) imagejpeg($imageTmp,$quality); imagedestroy($imageTmp); return 1; }