但该项目年中报告:“致命错误:允许内存大小为134217728字节耗尽(试图分配4294967296字节)在/ home1 / flipalbu / public_html / kvisofttest / login-admin / Lib / class.MysqLiDb.PHP第422行“这个错误,
我的服务器是:linux x86_64
memory_limit = 128M
$db = new MysqLiDb ('LocalHost','root','PASSWD','DB'); $wqdb = $db-> query ("SELECT * FROM db_table"); foreach ($wqdb as $row) { $con. = $row ['ID']; } echo $con;
protected function _dynamicBindResults(MysqLi_stmt $stmt) { $parameters = array(); $results = array(); $Meta = $stmt->result_Metadata(); $row = array(); while ($field = $Meta->fetch_field()) { $row[$field->name] = null; $parameters[] = & $row[$field->name]; } call_user_func_array(array($stmt,'bind_result'),$parameters); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $x = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $x[$key] = $val; } array_push($results,$x); } return $results; }
longtext / longblob的最大长度为4294967295 [4GB],这就是MysqLi尝试为缓冲区分配内存以确保没有丢失的原因.我建议您使用mediumtext(16777215 [16MB]最大长度),这应该足够通常.
I use MysqLi and after reading that quote from PHP dev,adding a
$stmt->store_result(); between execute and bind_result seems to fix
the issues for me
=>如果你使用$stmt-> store_result(),你可以使用MysqLi和longblob / longtext而不会收到错误.
引自PHP Dev:
This is a known limitation of ext/MysqLi when using libMysqL (always in 5.2 and prevIoUs) and when libMysqL is enabled with 5.3 . The reason is that the server sends not too specific Metadata about the column. This longtext has a max length of 4G and ext/MysqLi tries to bind with the max length,to be sure no data loss occurs (data doesn’t fit in the bind buffer on C level). However,that means 4G for a longtext/longblob column. ext/MysqLi has been changed to have a way to work around that. You need to call MysqLi_stmt_store_result() which will store the data locally,which means,of course a higher memory usage for PHP. However,because you use libMysqL this won’t hit the PHP’s memory limit,for sure. During store_result the max_length of every column will be calculated and then when bind_result is executed only a buffer with size of max_length will be allocated,which will be definitely lower than 4G. In short,prepare execute store_result bind_result fetch…fetch…fetch