php – 某些设备未收到Apple推送通知

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了php – 某些设备未收到Apple推送通知前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在使用Apples iOS增强通知格式批量发送推送通知,并使用此帖子中描述的 PHP解决方案:



链接的答案中的解决方案存在问题.它会尝试在每条消息发送后读取错误响应,但读取会立即返回,并且不会等待响应变为可用.虽然这比在每条消息之后等待X mili-seconds的潜在错误响应更有效,但您可能会错过错误响应,Apple可能会在不知道发生任何错误的情况下断开连接.



Push Notification Throughput and Error Checking

If you’re seeing throughput lower than 9,000 notifications per second,your server might benefit from improved error handling logic.

Here’s how to check for errors when using the enhanced binary interface. Keep writing until a write fails. If the stream is ready for writing again,resend the notification and keep going. If the stream isn’t ready for writing,see if the stream is available for reading.

If it is,read everything available from the stream. If you get zero bytes back,the connection was closed because of an error such as an invalid command byte or other parsing error. If you get six bytes back,that’s an error response that you can check for the response code and the ID of the notification that caused the error. You’ll need to send every notification following that one again.

Once everything has been sent,do one last check for an error response.

It can take a while for the dropped connection to make its way from APNs back to your server just because of normal latency. It’s possible to send over 500 notifications before a write fails because of the connection being dropped. Around 1,700 notifications writes can fail just because the pipe is full,so just retry in that case once the stream is ready for writing again.

Now,here’s where the tradeoffs get interesting. You can check for an error response after every write,and you’ll catch the error right away. But this causes a huge increase in the time it takes to send a batch of notifications.

Device tokens should almost all be valid if you’ve captured them correctly and you’re sending them to the correct environment. So it makes sense to optimize assuming failures will be rare. You’ll get way better performance if you wait for write to fail or the batch to complete before checking for an error response,even counting the time to send the dropped notifications again.

None of this is really specific to APNs,it applies to most socket-level programming.

If your development tool of choice supports multiple threads or interprocess communication,you could have a thread or process waiting for an error response all the time and let the main sending thread or process know when it should give up and retry.

这取自Apple的技术说明:Troubleshooting Push Notifications.


如果您设法读取错误响应,您将知道哪个通知失败并且您将知道错误类型(最可能的错误是8 – 无效的设备令牌).您提到的答案中的代码在识别出错误后没有做任何事情.

如果您保持数据库清洁(即只存储由Apple发送到您的应用程序的设备令牌,并且它们都属于相同的推送环境 – 沙箱或生产),您不应该遇到任何无效的设备令牌.


我发现在Java中有一种方法可以禁用TCP Nagle算法,这会导致多个消息在批量发送到Apple之前缓冲.虽然Apple鼓励我们使用Nagle的算法(出于性能原因),但我发现当我禁用它然后在发送给他们的每条消息后尝试读取Apple的响应时,我设法收到100%的错误响应(I通过编写模拟APNS服务器的过程来验证它.


