<?PHP use MyNamespace\SomeClass; use MyOtherNamespace\SomeClass as SomeOtherClass;
您可以使用PHPStorm重构功能(游标在SomeOtherClass,Shift F6上),它允许重命名别名及其用法.
click here to see the screenshot
use MyNamespace\SomeClass as SomeClass;
If you import a conflicting name,like Foo\MyClass and you already have use Bar\MyClass; in your document,you should be faced with the following prompt
+--------------------------------------------+ | Import class | +--------------------------------------------+ | Alias name: | | [________________________________________] | | | | [X] Always create alias while class import | | | | [ OK ] [ Cancel ] | +--------------------------------------------+
The trick is to check the “Always create alias” checkBox to always be
faced with the prompt while importing.Forgot to mention that you should also uncheck the settings
Settings > Editor > General > Auto Import > [ ] Enable auto-import in
file scopeSettings > Editor > General > Auto Import > [ ] Enable auto-import in
namespace scope