<?PHP include "db.PHP"; $id = htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); $error = false; $conn = MysqL_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD); if(!($conn)) echo "Failed To Connect To The Database!"; else{ if(MysqL_select_db(DB_NAME,$conn)){ $qry = "SELECT Link FROM downloads WHERE ID=$id"; try{ $result = MysqL_query($qry); if(MysqL_num_rows($result)==1){ while($rows = MysqL_fetch_array($result)){ $f=$rows['Link']; } //pathinfo returns an array of information $path = pathinfo($f); //basename say the filename+extension $n = $path['basename']; //NOW comes the action,this statement would say that WHATEVER output given by the script is given in form of an octet-stream,or else to make it easy an application or downloadable header('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($f)); //This would be the one to rename the file header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$n.''); //Finally it reads the file and prepare the output readfile($f); exit(); }else $error = true; }catch(Exception $e){ $error = true; } if($error) { header("Status: 404 Not Found"); } } } ?>
首先,正如有些人在评论中指出的那样,在第一行打开PHP标记(<?PHP)之前删除所有空格,并且应该这样做(除非这个文件被其他文件包含或要求) . 当您在屏幕上打印任何内容时,即使是一个空格,您的服务器也会发送标题以及要打印的内容(在这种情况下,您的空白处).为防止这种情况发生,您可以: a)在编写标题之前不要打印任何内容; b)运行ob_start()作为脚本中的第一件事,编写内容,编辑标题,然后在希望将内容发送到用户浏览器时使用ob_flush()和ob_clean(). 在b)中,即使您成功编写标题而没有收到错误,空格也会破坏您的二进制文件.您应该只编写二进制内容,而不是使用二进制内容编写一些空格. ob_前缀代表输出缓冲区.当调用ob_start()时,您告诉应用程序您输出的所有内容(echo,printf等)应该保留在内存中,直到您明确告诉它’go'(ob_flush())到客户端.这样,您将输出与标题一起保存,当您完成编写它们时,它们将与内容一起发送.