PHP 5 …我已经知道PHP 5中的异常处理了一段时间,但从未真正研究过它.在使用快速Google之后,使用异常处理似乎毫无意义 – 我无法看到使用它而不仅仅使用一些if(){}语句,以及可能是我自己的错误处理类或其他什么的优点.
class Application { public function run() { try { // Start her up!! } catch (Exception $e) { // If Ajax request,send back status and message if ($this->getRequest()->isAjax()) { return Application_Json::encode(array( 'status' => 'error','msg' => $e->getMessage()); } // ...otherwise,just throw error throw $e; } } }
class StringsOnly { public function onlyPassStringToThisMethod($string) { if (!is_string($string)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$string is definitely not a string'); } // Cool string manipulation... return $this; } }
class DifferentExceptionsForDifferentFolks { public function catchMeIfYouCan() { try { $this->flyForFree(); } catch (CantFlyForFreeException $e) { $this->alertAuthorities(); return 'Sorry,you can\'t fly for free dude. It just don\'t work that way!'; } catch (DbException $e) { // Get DB debug info $this->logDbDebugInfo(); return 'Could not access database. What did you mess up this time?'; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMiscException($e); return 'I catch all exceptions for which you did not account!'; } } }
如果在Zend Framework中使用事务:
class CreditCardController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function buyforgirlfriendAction() { try { $this->getDb()->beginTransaction(); $this->insertGift($giftName,$giftPrice,$giftWowFactor); $this->getDb()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Error encountered,rollback changes $this->getDb()->rollBack(); // Re-throw exception,allow ErrorController forward throw $e; } } }