<?PHP /** * Plugin Name: Month Name * Description: Enables the <code>%monthcode%</code> and <code>%monthname%</code> tag for Permalinks. * Author: Roger Chen * License: GPLv2 */ /** * Enables use of monthname (january,june) and monthcode (jan,jun). * Supports permalinks in the form of /2016-nov/61742/..slug.. or /2016-november/61742/..slug.. */ class MonthName { /** * Month Names */ public static $monthnames = array( 'january','february','march','april','may','june','july','august','september','october','november','december',); /** * Month Codes */ public static $monthcodes = array( 'jan','feb','mar','apr','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec',); /** * Registers all required hooks */ public static function init() { add_rewrite_tag( '%monthname%','(' . implode('|',self::$monthnames) . ')' ); add_rewrite_tag( '%monthcode%',self::$monthcodes) . ')' ); add_rewrite_rule( '^([0-9]{4})-(' . implode( '|',self::$monthnames ) . ')/([0-9]+)/?','index.PHP?p=$matches[3]','top' ); add_rewrite_rule( '^([0-9]{4})-(' . implode( '|',self::$monthcodes ) . ')/([0-9]+)/?','top' ); } /** * Filters the month name and month code tags */ public static function filter_post_link( $permalink,$post ) { if ( false === strpos( $permalink,'%monthname%' ) && false === strpos( $permalink,'%monthcode%' ) ) { return $permalink; } try { $monthindex = intval(get_post_time( 'n',"GMT" == false,$post->ID )); $monthname = self::$monthnames[$monthindex - 1]; $monthcode = self::$monthcodes[$monthindex - 1]; $permalink = str_replace( '%monthname%',$monthname,$permalink ); $permalink = str_replace( '%monthcode%',$monthcode,$permalink ); return $permalink; } catch (Exception $e) { return $permalink; } } } add_action( 'init',array( 'MonthName','init' ) ); add_filter( 'post_link','filter_post_link' ),10,2 );
好的,这是代码.它目前支持以下格式的永久链接/ 2014 / nov / 23 / post-name或/ 2014/11月/ 23 / post-name
原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/php/134455.html<?PHP /** * Plugin Name: Month Name Permalink * Description: Enables use of <code>%monthcode%</code> or <code>%monthname%</code> tags in permalinks to generate a structure like <code>/2014/nov/23/post-name</code> or <code>/2014/november/23/post-name</code> * Author: Anand Shah * License: GPLv2 */ /** * Based on the original code by Roger Chen (https://gist.github.com/rogerhub/8306875) * Plugin enables use of monthname (january,jun) in permalinks * Supports permalinks in the form of /2014/nov/23/post-name or /2014/november/23/post-name */ class Month_Name_Permalink { /** * Month Names */ public static $monthnames = array( 'january',self::$monthcodes) . ')' ); add_rewrite_rule( '^([0-9]{4})/(' . implode( '|',self::$monthnames ) . ')/([0-9]{1,2})/(.*)?','index.PHP?name=$matches[4]','top' ); add_rewrite_rule( '^([0-9]{4})/(' . implode( '|',self::$monthcodes ) . ')/([0-9]{1,'top' ); } /** * Filters the month name and month code tags */ public static function filter_post_link( $permalink,array( 'Month_Name_Permalink',2 );