我有一个ZF2项目,具有以下配置.它使用的是Doctrine ORM和SlmQueue.由于SlmQueue不支持我们的命名约定和oracle数据库,因此我们定制了SlmQueueDoctrine.
{ "repositories": [ { "url": "https://github.com/pradeep-sanjaya/doctrine-extensions.git","type": "git" } ],"require": { "PHP": ">=5.3.3","zendframework/zendframework": "2.3.3","doctrine/doctrine-orm-module": "0.7.*","pradeep-sanjaya/doctrine-extensions": "dev-master","spoonx/sxmail": "1.4.*","slm/locale": "dev-master","imagine/Imagine": "0.6.*","tecnick.com/tcpdf": "dev-master","slm/queue": "0.4.*","slm/queue-doctrine": "0.4.*" } }
<?PHP return array( 'slm_queue' => array( 'queue_manager' => array( 'factories' => array( 'doctrineQueue' => 'SlmQueueDoctrine\Factory\DoctrineQueueFactory' ),),'job_manager' => array( 'factories' => array( 'Report\Job\Rank' => 'Report\Job\RankFactory','shared' => array( 'Report\Job\Rank' => false ),'queues' => array( 'doctrineQueue' => array( 'table_name' => 'IOQUEUE' ) ) ) ); ?>
模块/报告/ src目录/报告/招聘/ Rank.PHP
<?PHP namespace Report\Job; use DoctrineModule\Persistence\ObjectManagerAwareInterface; use DoctrineModule\Persistence\ProvidesObjectManager as ProvidesObjectManagerTrait; use SlmQueue\Job\AbstractJob; use Application\Entity\Report; use Application\Log\LoggerAwareInterface; use Application\Log\LoggerAwareTrait; use Application\Service\ReportService; class Rank extends AbstractJob implements ObjectManagerAwareInterface,LoggerAwareInterface { use LoggerAwareTrait; use ProvidesObjectManagerTrait; /** * @var ReportService */ protected $reportService; /** * @var array */ protected $reportId = array(); public function setReportService(ReportService $reportService) { $this->reportService = $reportService; } /** * Execute the job * * @return void */ public function execute() { //clear object manager does not work //$om = $this->getObjectManager(); //$om->clear(); $content = $this->getContent(); $this->setReportId($content['reportId']); if (!empty($this->reportId)) { try { if (is_array($this->reportId)) { foreach ($this->reportId as $reportId) { $this->updateRank($reportId); } unset($reportId); } else { $this->updateRank($this->reportId); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { echo "Exception message is {$exception->getMessage()} \n"; } } } private function updateRank($reportId) { /* @var $report Report */ $report = $this->reportService->getReport($reportId); $this->logInfo(print_r($report,true)); // this always return older db values,the values before it start queue deamon if (!$report instanceof Report) { return; } if (empty($rankData)) { return; } //more codes,application related logics $this->reportService->updateReportEntity($report); } private function setReportId($reportId) { if (is_numeric($reportId)) { $this->reportId = array($reportId); } elseif (is_array($reportId)) { $this->reportId = $reportId; } else { throw new \Exception('Expects reportId as int or array'); } } }
this is not a bug,但预期的行为.
您可以在调用clear方法时检查the documentation chapter 7.5.的行为:
When EntityManager#clear() is invoked,all entities that are currently managed by the EntityManager instance become detached.
在your comment中,您说“它不会刷新对象管理器和当前事务”.这不是您可以通过调用清除所期望的操作.根据文档,分离会导致以下操作:
The semantics of the detach operation,applied to an entity X are as follows:
- If X is a managed entity,the detach operation causes it to become detached. The detach operation is cascaded to entities referenced by X,if the relationships from X to these other entities is mapped with cascade=DETACH or cascade=ALL (see “Transitive Persistence”). Entities which prevIoUsly referenced X will continue to reference X.
- If X is a new or detached entity,it is ignored by the detach operation.
- If X is a removed entity,the detach operation is cascaded to entities referenced by X,if the relationships from X to these other entities is mapped with cascade=DETACH or cascade=ALL (see “Transitive Persistence”). Entities which prevIoUsly referenced X will continue to reference X.