<?PHP $string = 'I have a dog and his name is <a href="http://www.jackismydog.com">Jack</a> and I love him very much because he\'s my favorite dog in the whole wide world and nothing could make me not love him,I think.'; $limited = substr($string,100).'...'; echo $string; ?>
我想将VISIBLE文本限制为100个字符,但使用substr()还包括限制中的不可见文本(< a href =“http://www.jackismydog.com”>和< / a>)占用了100个可用字符中的41个.
有没有办法限制文本,以便链接中的单词“杰克”将包含在限制中,但不包括< a href =“http://www.jackismydog.com”>或< / a>?
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva //@ http://jsfromhell.com function truncate($text,$length,$suffix = '…',$isHTML = true) { $i = 0; $simpleTags=array('br'=>true,'hr'=>true,'input'=>true,'image'=>true,'link'=>true,'Meta'=>true); $tags = array(); if($isHTML){ preg_match_all('/<[^>]+>([^<]*)/',$text,$m,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach($m as $o){ if($o[0][1] - $i >= $length) break; $t = substr(strtok($o[0][0]," \t\n\r\0\x0B>"),1); // test if the tag is unpaired,then we mustn't save them if($t[0] != '/' && (!isset($simpleTags[$t]))) $tags[] = $t; elseif(end($tags) == substr($t,1)) array_pop($tags); $i += $o[1][1] - $o[0][1]; } } // output without closing tags $output = substr($text,$length = min(strlen($text),$length + $i)); // closing tags $output2 = (count($tags = array_reverse($tags)) ? '</' . implode('></',$tags) . '>' : ''); // Find last space or HTML tag (solving problem with last space in HTML tag eg. <span class="new">) $pos = (int)end(end(preg_split('/<.*>| /',$output,-1,PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE))); // Append closing tags to output $output.=$output2; // Get everything until last space $one = substr($output,$pos); // Get the rest $two = substr($output,$pos,(strlen($output) - $pos)); // Extract all tags from the last bit preg_match_all('/<(.*?)>/s',$two,$tags); // Add suffix if needed if (strlen($text) > $length) { $one .= $suffix; } // Re-attach tags $output = $one . implode($tags[0]); //added to remove unnecessary closure $output = str_replace('</!-->','',$output); return $output; }