[PDOException] sqlSTATE[42000]: SSyntax error or access violation: 1142 ANY command denied to user 'user'@'localhost' for table '/tmp/#sql_475_0'
在MysqL中直接运行create语句可以正常工作.如果我删除了视图的连接,那么一切正常.用户具有完全权限(GRANT ALL).广泛的谷歌搜索没有返回任何类似的东西.
DB::statement(" CREATE VIEW quote_response_count AS ( SELECT job_id,COUNT(quotes.id) as total FROM quotes INNER JOIN quote_requests on quote_requests.quote_id = quotes.id INNER JOIN quote_responses on quote_responses.quote_request_id = quote_requests.id GROUP BY job_id ); "); DB::statement(" CREATE VIEW customer_paid AS ( SELECT job_id,SUM(amount) as total FROM transactions WHERE category = 'customer payment' AND is_verified = 1 GROUP BY job_id,category ); "); DB::statement(" CREATE VIEW company_paid AS ( SELECT job_id,SUM(amount) as total FROM transactions WHERE category = 'company payment' AND is_verified = 1 GROUP BY job_id,category ); "); DB::statement(" CREATE VIEW jobs_view AS ( SELECT jobs.*,IFNULL(customer_paid.total,0) AS customer_paid,IFNULL(company_paid.total,0) AS company_paid,IFNULL(quote_response_count.total,0) AS responses_received,price - IFNULL(customer_paid.total,0) AS customer_owes,cost - IFNULL(customer_paid.total,0) AS owes_company,( deposit > 0 AND IFNULL(customer_paid.total,0) >= deposit ) AS deposit_paid FROM jobs LEFT OUTER JOIN quote_response_count AS quote_response_count ON quote_response_count.job_id = jobs.id LEFT OUTER JOIN customer_paid AS customer_paid ON customer_paid.job_id = jobs.id LEFT OUTER JOIN company_paid AS company_paid ON company_paid.job_id = jobs.id ); ");
程序中的SHOW GRANTS输出如下:
[Grants for user@localhost] => GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '****************************' [Grants for user@localhost] => GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `dbname`.* TO 'user'@'localhost'
DB::statement(" CREATE TABLE table1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,foo varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id) ); "); DB::statement(" CREATE VIEW view1 AS ( SELECT id,foo FROM table1 ); "); DB::statement(" CREATE VIEW view2 AS ( SELECT table1.id,view1.foo FROM table1 INNER JOIN view1 ON view1.id = table1.id ); ");
我的解决方案是克隆我的数据库配置,覆盖PDO选项,然后在创建视图时使用该连接,而不是为我的整个应用程序启用Emulate Prepares:
配置/ database.PHP中
'MysqL' => array( 'driver' => 'MysqL','host' => 'localhost','database' => 'database','username' => 'user','password' => 'password','charset' => 'utf8','collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci','prefix' => '',),'MysqL-emulate-prepares' => array( 'driver' => 'MysqL','options' => array( PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true,
$rand = rand(10000,99999); DB::statement(" CREATE TABLE table".$rand." ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,PRIMARY KEY (id) ); "); DB::statement(" CREATE VIEW view".$rand." AS ( SELECT id,foo FROM table1 ); "); DB::connection('MysqL-emulate-prepares')->statement(" CREATE VIEW view".($rand+2)." AS ( SELECT table".$rand.".id,view".$rand.".foo FROM table".$rand." INNER JOIN view".$rand." ON view".$rand.".id = table".$rand.".id ); ");
为了帮助我调试这个,我很荣幸获得Ryan Vincent.