function mapData($file) { // Open the Text File $fd = fopen($file,"r"); // Return FALSE if file not found if(!$fd) { return FALSE; } // Get the First Two Lines $first = 0; $data = array(); while(!feof($fd)) { if($first == 0) { $cols = fgetcsv($fd,4096); $data['cols'] = array(); if(is_array($cols) && count($cols)) { foreach($cols as $col) { if(!$col) { continue; } $data['cols'][] = $col; } } if(empty($data['cols'])) { return array(); } $first++; continue; } else { $data['first'] = fgetcsv($fd,4096); break; } } fclose($fd); // Return Data return $data; }
function importLeads($file,$map) { // Open the Text File if(!file_exists($file)) { return false; } error_reporting(E_ALL); set_time_limit(240); ini_set("memory_limit","512M"); $fd = fopen($file,"r"); // Return FALSE if file not found if(!$fd) { return FALSE; } // Traverse Each Line of the File $true = false; $first = 0; while(!feof($fd)) { if($first == 0) { $cols = fgetcsv($fd); $first++; continue; } // Get the columns of each line $row = fgetcsv($fd); // Traverse columns $group = array(); $lead_status = array(); $lead_type = array(); $lead_source = array(); $user = array(); $user_cstm = array(); $user_prof = array(); $acct = array(); $acct_cstm = array(); $acct_prof = array(); $acct_group = array(); if(!$row) { continue; } foreach($row as $num => $val) { if(empty($map[$num])) { continue; } $val = str_replace('"',""",$val); $val = str_replace("'","'",$val); switch($map[$num]) { // Company Account case "company_name": $acct['company_name'] = $val; break; case "lead_type": $lead_type['name'] = $val; break; case "lead_source": $lead_source['name'] = $val; break; case "lead_source_description": $lead_source['name'] = $val; break; case "campaign": $campaign['name'] = $val; break; case "mcn": $acct['mcn'] = $val; break; case "usdot": $acct['usdot'] = $val; break; case "sic_codes": $acct_cstm['sic_codes'] = $val; break; case "naics_codes": $acct_cstm['naics_codes'] = $val; break; case "agent_assigned": $acct_cstm['agent_assigned'] = $val; break; case "group_assigned": $group['name'] = $val; break; case "rating": $acct_cstm['rating'] = $val; break; case "main_phone": $acct['phone'] = $val; break; case "billing_phone": $acct_cstm['billing_phone'] = $val; break; case "company_fax": $acct['fax'] = $val; break; case "company_email": $acct['email2'] = $val; break; // Company Location case "primary_address": $acct['address'] = $val; break; case "primary_address2": $acct['address2'] = $val; break; case "primary_city": $acct['city'] = $val; break; case "primary_state": $acct['state'] = $val; break; case "primary_zip": $acct['zip'] = $val; break; case "primary_country": $acct['country'] = $val; break; case "billing_address": $billing['address'] = $val; break; case "billing_address2": $billing['address2'] = $val; break; case "billing_city": $billing['city'] = $val; break; case "billing_state": $billing['state'] = $val; break; case "billing_zip": $billing['zip'] = $val; break; case "billing_country": $billing['country'] = $val; break; case "company_website": $acct_cstm['website'] = $val; break; case "company_revenue": $acct_cstm['revenue'] = $val; break; case "company_about": $acct_prof['aboutus'] = $val; break; // Misc. Company Data case "bols_per_mo": $acct_cstm['approx_bols_per_mo'] = $val; break; case "no_employees": $acct_cstm['no_employees'] = $val; break; case "no_drivers": $acct_prof['drivers'] = $val; break; case "no_trucks": $acct_prof['power_units'] = $val; break; case "no_trailers": $acct_cstm['no_trailers'] = $acct_prof['trailers'] = $val; break; case "no_parcels_day": $acct_cstm['no_parcels_day'] = $val; break; case "no_shipping_locations": $acct_cstm['no_shipping_locations'] = $val; break; case "approves_inbound": $acct_cstm['approves_inbound'] = $val; break; case "what_erp_used": $acct_cstm['what_erp_used'] = $val; break; case "birddog": $acct_cstm['birddog_referral'] = $val; break; case "status_notes": $acct_cstm['status_notes'] = $val; break; case "notes": $acct_cstm['notes'] = $val; break; case "internal_notes": $acct_cstm['notes_internal'] = $val; break; // User Data case "salutation": $user_cstm['salutation'] = $val; break; case "first_name": $user['first_name'] = $billing['first_name'] = $val; break; case "last_name": $user['last_name'] = $billing['last_name'] = $val; break; case "user_title": $user_prof['title'] = $val; break; case "user_about": $user_prof['about'] = $val; break; case "user_email": $user['email'] = $val; break; case "home_phone": $user_prof['phone'] = $val; break; case "mobile_phone": $user_cstm['mobile_phone'] = $val; break; case "direct_phone": $user_cstm['direct_phone'] = $val; break; case "user_fax": $user_prof['fax'] = $val; break; case "user_locale": $user['location'] = $val; break; case "user_website": $user_prof['website_url'] = $val; break; case "user_facebook": $user_prof['fb_url'] = $val; break; case "user_twitter": $user_prof['twitter_url'] = $val; break; case "user_linkedin": $user_prof['linkedin_url'] = $val; break; } } if(empty($acct['company_name']) || empty($user['first_name']) || empty($user['last_name'])) { continue; } $this->db = $this->load->database('crm_db',TRUE); if(isset($lead_type['name']) && ($name = $lead_type['name'])) { $count = $this->db->count_all("lead_types"); $check = $this->db->get_where("lead_types",array("name" => $name)); if($check->num_rows() < 1) { $this->db->insert("lead_types",array("name" => $name,"order" => $count)); $ltype = $this->db->insert_id(); $acct_cstm['lead_type'] = $acct['account_type'] = $user['company_type'] = $ltype; } } if(isset($lead_source['name']) && ($name = $lead_source['name'])) { $count = $this->db->count_all("lead_sources"); $check = $this->db->get_where("lead_sources",array("name" => $name)); if($check->num_rows() < 1) { $this->db->insert("lead_sources","order" => $count)); $acct_cstm['lead_source'] = $this->db->insert_id(); } } if(isset($campaign['name']) && ($name = $campaign['name'])) { $check = $this->db->get_where("campaigns",array("name" => $name)); if($check->num_rows() < 1) { $campaign['id'] = $accounts_cstm['campaign'] = $this->Secure_m->generate_sugar_id(); $campaign['date_entered'] = time(); $campaign['date_modified'] = time(); $campaign['modified_user_id'] = $this->session->userdata('id'); $campaign['created_by'] = $this->session->userdata('id'); $this->db->insert("campaigns",$campaign); } } if(isset($group['name']) && ($name = $group['name'])) { $order = $this->db->count_all("groups"); $check = $this->db->get_where("groups",array("name" => $name)); if($check->num_rows() < 1) { $this->db->insert("groups","order" => $order)); $acct_group['id'] = $this->db->insert_id(); } } $mem = new stdclass; $uid = 0; if(is_array($user) && count($user)) { $where = ""; if(!empty($user['phone'])) { $where .= "prof.phone = '{$user['phone']}' OR "; $where .= "cstm.mobile_phone = '{$user['phone']}' OR "; $where .= "cstm.direct_phone = '{$user['phone']}'"; } if(!empty($user['mobile_phone'])) { if($where) { $where .= " OR "; } $where .= "prof.phone = '{$user['mobile_phone']}' OR "; $where .= "cstm.mobile_phone = '{$user['mobile_phone']}' OR "; $where .= "cstm.direct_phone = '{$user['mobile_phone']}'"; } if(!empty($user['direct_phone'])) { if($where) { $where .= " OR "; } $where .= "prof.phone = '{$user['direct_phone']}' OR "; $where .= "cstm.mobile_phone = '{$user['direct_phone']}' OR "; $where .= "cstm.direct_phone = '{$user['direct_phone']}'"; } $query = $this->db->query($this->Account_m->userQuery($where)); $mem = reset($query->result()); if($where && !empty($mem->id)) { $uid = $mem->id; $new = array(); foreach($user as $k => $v) { if(!empty($mem->$k)) { $new[$k] = $mem->$k; unset($user[$k]); } else { $new[$k] = $v; } } //$this->db->update("leads",$user,array("id" => $uid)); $user = $new; } else { $user['uxtime'] = time(); $user['isclient'] = 0; $user['flag'] = 0; $user['activation_code'] = $this->Secure_m->generate_activate_id(); $uid = $this->Secure_m->generate_activate_id(10); $query = $this->db->get_where("leads",array("id" => $uid),1); $data = reset($query->result()); while(!empty($data->id)) { $uid = $this->Secure_m->generate_activate_id(10); $query = $this->db->get_where("leads",1); $data = reset($query->result()); } $user['id'] = $uid; $this->db->insert("leads",$user); } } if($uid && is_array($user_prof) && count($user_prof)) { if(!empty($mem->uid)) { $new = array(); foreach($user_prof as $k => $v) { if(!empty($mem->$k)) { $new[$k] = $mem->$k; unset($user_prof[$k]); } else { $new[$k] = $v; } } //$this->db->update("mprofiles",$user_prof,array("uid" => $uid)); $user_prof = $new; } else { $user_prof['uid'] = $uid; $user_prof['flag'] = 0; $this->db->insert("ldetails",$user_prof); } } if($uid && is_array($user_cstm) && count($user_cstm)) { $query = $this->db->get_where("leads_cstm",array("crm_id" => $cid),1); $data = reset($query->result()); if(!empty($data->crm_id)) { $new = array(); foreach($user_cstm as $k => $v) { if(!empty($mem->$k)) { $new[$k] = $mem->$k; unset($user_cstm[$k]); } else { $new[$k] = $v; } } //$this->db->update("leads_cstm",$acct_prof,array("fa_user_id" => $cid)); $user_cstm = $new; } else { $user_cstm['crm_id'] = $uid; $user_cstm['date_entered'] = time(); $user_cstm['date_modified'] = time(); $user_cstm['created_by'] = $this->session->userdata('id'); $user_cstm['modified_user_id'] = $this->session->userdata('id'); $this->db->insert("leads_cstm",$user_cstm); } } $cmp = new stdclass; $cid = 0; if(is_array($acct) && count($acct)) { $acct['uid'] = $uid; $acct['main_contact'] = "{$user['first_name']} {$user['last_name']}"; if(!empty($user['email'])) { $acct['email'] = $user['email']; } $acct['isprospect'] = 0; $acct['flag'] = 0; if(!empty($acct['mcn'])) { $where .= "fms.mcn = '{$acct['mcn']}'"; } if(!empty($acct['phone'])) { if($where) { $where .= " OR "; } $where .= "fms.phone = '{$acct['phone']}' OR "; $where .= "crm.billing_phone = '{$acct['phone']}'"; } if(!empty($acct['billing_phone'])) { if($where) { $where .= " OR "; } $where .= "fms.phone = '{$acct['billing_phone']}' OR "; $where .= "crm.billing_phone = '{$acct['billing_phone']}'"; } if(!empty($acct['company_name'])) { if($where) { $where .= " OR "; } $where .= "fms.company_name = '{$acct['company_name']}'"; } $query = $this->db->query($this->Account_m->acctQuery($where)); $cmp = reset($query->result()); if($where && !empty($cmp->id)) { $cid = $cmp->id; $new = array(); foreach($acct as $k => $v) { if(!empty($cmp->$k)) { $new[$k] = $cmp->$k; unset($acct[$k]); } else { $new[$k] = $v; } } //$this->db->update("accounts",$billing,array("cid" => $cid)); $acct = $new; } else { $cid = $this->Secure_m->generate_activate_id(10); $query = $this->db->get_where("leads",1); $data = reset($query->result()); while(!empty($data->id)) { $cid = $this->Secure_m->generate_activate_id(10); $query = $this->db->get_where("accounts",array("id" => $cid),1); $data = reset($query->result()); } $acct['id'] = $cid; $this->db->insert("accounts",$acct); } } if($cid && is_array($acct_group) && count($acct_group)) { $grp = $this->db->get_where("accounts_groups",array("cid" => $cid,"gid" => $acct_group['id'])); if(empty($cmp->id)) { $acct_group['cid'] = $cid; $this->db->insert("accounts_groups",$acct_group); } } if($cid && is_array($acct_prof) && count($acct_prof)) { if(!empty($cmp->id)) { $new = array(); foreach($acct_prof as $k => $v) { if(!empty($cmp->$k)) { $new[$k] = $cmp->$k; unset($acct_prof[$k]); } else { $new[$k] = $v; } } //$this->db->update("cprofiles",array("cid" => $cid)); $acct_prof = $new; } else { $acct_prof['cid'] = $cid; $acct_prof['flag'] = 0; $this->db->insert("adetails",$acct_prof); } } if($cid && is_array($billing) && count($billing)) { $bill = $this->db->get_where("accounts_billing",array("cid" => $cid)); if(!empty($bill->id)) { $new = array(); foreach($acct_prof as $k => $v) { if(!empty($cmp->$k)) { $new[$k] = $cmp->$k; unset($acct_prof[$k]); } else { $new[$k] = $v; } } //$this->db->update("accounts_billing",array("cid" => $cid)); } else { $billing['cid'] = $cid; $billing['flag'] = 0; $this->db->insert("accounts_billing",$billing); } } if($cid && $uid) { $this->db->update("leads",array("cid" => $cid),array("id" => $uid)); } if($cid && is_array($acct_cstm) && count($acct_cstm)) { $query = $this->db->get_where("accounts_cstm",1); $data = reset($query->result()); if(!empty($data->crm_id)) { $new = array(); foreach($acct_cstm as $k => $v) { if(!empty($cmp->$k)) { $new[$k] = $cmp->$k; unset($acct_cstm[$k]); } else { $new[$k] = $v; } } //$this->db->update("accounts_cstm",$acct_cstm,array("crm_id" => $cid)); $acct_cstm = $new; } else { $acct_cstm['crm_id'] = $cid; $acct_cstm['date_entered'] = time(); $acct_cstm['date_modified'] = time(); $acct_cstm['created_by'] = $this->session->userdata('id'); $acct_cstm['modified_user_id'] = $this->session->userdata('id'); if(empty($acct_cstm['rating'])) { $acct_cstm['rating'] = 1; } $this->db->insert("accounts_cstm",$acct_cstm); } } $true = TRUE; } fclose($fd); return $true; }
>调整MysqL以进行导入.增加缓存缓冲区等.有关更多信息,请参见Speed of INSERT Statements.>使用LOAD DATA INFILE.如果可能的话.它比使用INSERT逐行加载数据快20倍.我明白,如果你不能,因为你需要获得最后一个插入ID等等.但在大多数情况下,即使您读取CSV文件,重新排列并将其写入多个临时CSV文件,数据加载仍然比使用INSERT更快.>离线.不要在Web请求期间运行长时间运行的任务. PHP请求的时间限制将终止作业,如果不是今天,那么下周二当作业延长10%时.而是将Web请求队列作为作业,然后将控制权返回给用户.您应该将数据导入作为服务器进程运行,并定期允许用户瞥见进度.例如,一种廉价的方法是让你的导入脚本输出“.”到临时文件,然后用户可以请求查看临时文件并继续在其浏览器中重新加载.如果你想获得幻想,可以使用Ajax做点什么.