
我感觉到这是我的一个愚蠢的错误,但我不知道如何使用 google-api-php-client做一个简单的搜索.我的目标是针对我的网站的Google搜索引擎运行简单的关键字查询.

我创建了我的api密钥,谷歌搜索引擎,并下载了api客户端的一个版本,但the google site for the php client似乎没有任何关于如何使用客户端和only related example的文档,我发现到目前为止,专门搜索了谷歌的书服务.问题是这个例子意味着不同的搜索服务有不同的搜索结果类型,我找不到任何有关如何从Google_Service检索结果的文档.


include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.PHP';
public function __construct($searchTerm) {
    $client = new Google_Client();
    $service = new Google_Service($client);
    $optParams = array('filter' => $searchTerm);
    $results = $service->???




我使用PHPdoc为google apiclient生成api文档.我做了一个回购,并把the phpdocs and the libary on github. phpdocs are browsable here.

所以希望这将有助于某人.不幸的是,即使文档我无法解开正确的用法.我还没有为google apiclient-services包生成文档,因为它们很庞大,但是如果需要,我可以这样做(取决于github页面上的磁盘限制).

感谢@gennadiy把我放在正确的轨道上.没有他的建议使用 – > cse-> listCse()来检索结果,我可能会放弃并搜索不同的库.幸运的是,这几乎是我需要使用这个图书馆,所以我想我已经设置.



include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.PHP';

$GCSE_API_KEY = "nqwkoigrhe893utnih_gibberish_q2ihrgu9qjnr";
$GCSE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID = "937592689593725455:msi299dkne4de";

$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Customsearch($client);
$optParams = array("cx"=>self::GCSE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID);    
$results = $service->cse->listCse("lol cats",$optParams);


foreach($results->getItems() as $k=>$item){


为了使用这个库,你必须首先设置一些google的东西.这些东西最终在Google API Client Libraries PHP (Beta)网站上提到,但你必须点击&挖掘他们,即使如此,你会错过下面的最后一个:

>您将需要一个Google Project.再一次,当你知道去哪里时,设置很简单:https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard
>您将需要为您的项目启用Google自定义搜索.此时,您可以向Google查询,但如果尚未启用Google自定义搜索项目,则可能会收到错误回复.转到信息中心,点击蓝色的“启用API”链接,搜索Google自定义搜索并启用它. https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard




include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.PHP';

 * Retrieves a simple set of google results for a given plant id.
class GoogleResults implements IteratorAggregate {

    // Create one or more API keys at https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
  const GCSE_API_KEY = "nqwkoigrhe893utnih_gibberish_q2ihrgu9qjnr";

    /* The search engine id is specific to each "custom search engine"
     * you have configured at https://cse.google.com/cse/all     

     * Remember that you must have enabled Custom Search API for the project that
     * contains your API Key.  You can do this at the following url:
     * https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/customsearch.googleapis.com/overview?project=vegfetch-v01&duration=PT1H    

     * If you fail to enable the Custom Search API before you try to execute a search
     * the exception that is thrown will indicate this.  */
    const GCSE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID = "937592689593725455:msi299dkne4de";

    // Holds the GoogleService for reuse
    private $service;

    // Holds the optParam for our search engine id
    private $optParamSEID;

     * Creates a service object for our Google Custom Search.  The API key is 
     * permiently set,but the search engine id may be changed when performing 
     * searches in case you want to search across multiple pre-prepared engines.
     * @param string $appName       Optional name for this google search
    public function __construct($appName = "My_Search") {

        $client = new Google_Client();

        // application name is an arbitrary name

        // the developer key is the API Key for a specific google project

        // create new service
        $this->service = new Google_Service_Customsearch($client);

        // You must specify a custom search engine.  You can do this either by setting
        // the element "cx" to the search engine id,or by setting the element "cref"
        // to the public url for that search engine.
        // For a full list of possible params see https://github.com/google/google-api-PHP-client-services/blob/master/src/Google/Service/Customsearch/Resource/Cse.PHP
        $this->optParamSEID = array("cx"=>self::GCSE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID);


     * A simplistic function to take a search term & search options and return an 
     * array of results.  You may want to 
     * @param string    $searchTerm     The term you want to search for
     * @param array     $optParams      See: For a full list of possible params see https://github.com/google/google-api-PHP-client-services/blob/master/src/Google/Service/Customsearch/Resource/Cse.PHP
     * @return array                                An array of search result items
  public function getSearchResults($searchTerm,$optParams = array()){
        // return array containing search result items
        $items = array();

        // Merge our search engine id into the $optParams
        // If $optParams already specified a 'cx' element,it will replace our default
        $optParams = array_merge($this->optParamSEID,$optParams);

        // set search term & params and execute the query
        $results = $this->service->cse->listCse($searchTerm,$optParams);

        // Since cse inherits from Google_Collections (which implements Iterator)
        // we can loop through the results by using `getItems()`
        foreach($results->getItems() as $k=>$item){
            $item[] = $item;

        return $items;
