+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------- | From | To |Departure| Arrival | ID | +--------+----------+---------+---------+--------- | A | B | 0900 | 0930 | 1 | +--------+----------+---------+---------+--------- | C | D | 1000 | 1030 | 2 | +--------+----------+---------+---------+--------- | B | C | 1100 | 1130 | 3 | +--------+----------+---------+---------+--------- | D | E | 1200 | 1230 | 4 | +--------+----------+---------+---------+--------- | C | D | 1300 | 1330 | 5 | +--------+----------+---------+---------+---------
> C_D可以在B_C之前和之后找到.
to = 'D' prev_to = 'A' array = array(); while (prev_to != 'D') { select arrival,to into prev_arrival,prev_to from table where departure > prev_arrival and from = prev_to; array[] = [arrival => prev_arrival,to => prev_to] } return array
该类将在给定的开始和结束时间之间搜索从A到D的所有路线.就像一个公共交通工具.您可能希望使用自己的数据库连接方法. (只是不要使用MysqL_ *函数了)
<?PHP class RoutePlanner { /** @var string */ protected $departureTime; /** @var string */ protected $departureLocation; /** @var string */ protected $arrivalTime; /** @var string */ protected $arrivalLocation; /** @var array */ protected $schedule; /** @var MysqLi */ protected $db; /** * @param string $departureTime * @param string $departureLocation * @param string $arrivalTime * @param string $arrivalLocation * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function __construct($departureTime,$departureLocation,$arrivalTime,$arrivalLocation) { $this->departureTime = $departureTime; $this->departureLocation = $departureLocation; $this->arrivalTime = $arrivalTime; $this->arrivalLocation = $arrivalLocation; } /** * @return array */ public function getRoutes() { $schedule = $this->fetchSchedule(); $routes = $this->searchRoutes($schedule); return $routes; } /** * Search all routes that start and end between given times * @param array $schedule - passing as parameter to ensure the order of execution * @return array */ protected function searchRoutes(array $schedule) { $routes = array(); foreach ($schedule as $i => $row) { if ($row['from'] == $this->departureLocation) { $routes[] = $this->getRoute($schedule,$i); } } return $routes; } /** * Get the route when starting at given point and time * @param $schedule * @param $start * @return array */ protected function getRoute($schedule,$start) { $steps = array(); $from = $this->departureLocation; $time = $this->departureTime; for ($i = $start; $i < count($schedule); $i++) { $row = $schedule[$i]; if ($row['from'] == $from && $row['departure'] > $time) { $steps[] = $row; $from = $row['to']; $time = $row['arrival']; } } return $steps; } /** * @return array */ protected function fetchSchedule() { if (! empty($this->schedule)) return $this->schedule; $sql = "select * from schedule where departure >= ? and arrival <= ?"; $db = $this->getDatabase(); $statement = $db->prepare($sql); $statement->bind_param("ss",$this->departureTime,$this->arrivalTime); $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->get_result(); $this->schedule = $result->fetch_all(MysqLI_ASSOC); $statement->close(); $result->free(); return $this->schedule; } /** * @return MysqLi */ protected function getDatabase() { if (empty($this->db)) $this->db = new MysqLi('localhost','user','pass','database'); return $this->db; } public function __destroy() { if (! empty($this->db)) $this->db->close(); } }
<?PHP $planner = new RoutePlanner('Amsterdam','0300','Berlin','1030'); $routes = $planner->getRoutes();