truth table generator site,并试图用PHP模仿它(我意识到源代码可用,但我知道0 perl).
a | b | c ----------- T | T | T T | T | F T | F | T T | F | F F | T | T F | T | F F | F | T F | F | F
a | b | c | d ------------- T | T | T | T T | T | T | F T | T | F | T T | T | F | F T | F | T | T T | F | T | F T | F | F | T T | F | F | F F | T | T | T F | T | T | F F | T | F | T F | T | F | F F | F | T | T F | F | T | F F | F | F | T F | F | F | F
function getTruthValues($count) { if (1 === $count) { // true and false for the first variable return array(array('T'),array('F')); } // get 2 copies of the output for 1 less variable $trues = $falses = getTruthValues(--$count); for ($i = 0,$total = count($trues); $i < $total; $i++) { // the true copy gets a T added to each row array_unshift($trues[$i],'T'); // and the false copy gets an F array_unshift($falses[$i],'F'); } // combine the T and F copies to give this variable's output return array_merge($trues,$falses); } function toTable(array $rows) { $return = "<table>\n"; $headers = range('A',chr(64 + count($rows[0]))); $return .= '<tr><th>' . implode('</th><th>',$headers) . "</th></tr>\n"; foreach ($rows as $row) { $return .= '<tr><td>' . implode('</td><td>',$row) . "</td></tr>\n"; } return $return . '</table>'; } echo toTable(getTruthValues(3));